The third house in the horoscope is the native sign for Gemini and is ruled by the planet Mercury. It is also known as the House of environment.
This house governs your relationship with siblings, communication and your traveling. An astrologer will be able to figure out the number of siblings the native will have and also about the native’s relationship with them, from this house, insights can also be obtained about the friends circle and relatives. The 3rd house is also a window into many other aspects of our lives like the overall satisfaction, early education and childhood experiences. Physical attributes like the native’s left ear and arms are also influenced by this house.
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The third house also reveals the native’s courage, will power, patience and prowess. The planets present in the third house, have a strong influence on the native’s life. Let’s look at how they impact the native.
Sun - The presence of Sun in the third house will brighten your life and provide you with the strength and courage to deal with people. It will help you in your education and promote wisdom and intellect. Its presence will make people seek your advice. When the Sun is benefic, it will have good influence on your siblings but when malefic, it could make you timid.
First House | Second House | Fourth House | Fifth House
Moon - The moon is one of the softer celestial bodies and its presence in the third house will make you fragile from inside. You will hesitate to take harsh and hasty decisions since you wouldn’t want to fight things out. The moon will make you emotional and bring out your artistic talents.
Mars - Mars in third house will give you courage to express yourself and fight back. You could take unnecessary risks under its influence. It will promote better relations with immediate family. Its presence in the third house will encourage you to travel frequently.
Mercury - When Mercury is in third house, you will be blessed with good , helpful friends. You will be cautious and careful in your attitude while dealing with people and will have a practical approach towards life. Your siblings will be cooperative and adjusting.You could be hasty in your decisions.
Jupiter - Jupiter in the third house will favour education and help you reach the heights of success. You will be good at expressing yourself well with writing and enjoy philosophy and spirituality. Jupiter will ensure you enjoy good relations with your siblings and friends.
Venus - When Venus is in third house, you would love to interact with lots of people. You would invite attention because of your intellect and find like-minded partners easily but not someone permanent as you tend to flit from person to person too often, in pursuit of constant stimulation.
Sixth House | Seventh House | Eight House | Ninth House
Saturn - Saturn will give you maturity to deal with your work and success with it.You will have monetary gains by taking short business journeys and enjoy a comfortable life. Saturn will imbibe spirituality in you and move you on the religious path.You will enjoy creative work like, writing. You could have strained relations with siblings and friends.
Rahu - Rahu(Dragon’s head) in the third house will make you achieve your targets with some cunningness. You will use diplomacy and cook up strategies to get your work done. Rahu will make you put up a show of being good to your siblings but will be sincere to their own spouse, children and friends.
Ketu - Although Ketu, the Dragon’s tail, in the third house can spell disaster, when benefic, it will bless you with wonderful children and promote goodness in your nature. On the downside, it will increase your travels, which could be useless and pointless. Your family could be a cause of distress and you could get embroiled in legal matters.
Tenth House | Eleventh House | Twelfth House | The 12 Houses of Astrology and Their Significance