It was England's King Henry VII who officially declared February 14th as the holiday of St. Valentine's Day! Every year, millions of couples buy chocolate-boxes and gift cards on this day to impress their partners. But is that what every person wants? Getting an unappealing gift for your partner could be quite detrimental for your relationship, and even your evening plans! Here is a sure-shot way to WIN AND SECURE your partner’s heart! Based on astrology and their personality traits, here is how each zodiac sign would like to spend the V-Day-
Aries (March 21-April 19)- As an Aries, you love to party! And since it is Valentine’s Day, that just means you will get to be the center of attention. For those of you dating an Aries, keeping them in the spotlight would definitely earn you a few extra kisses. Plan a candle-light dinner, or take them out for an adventurous date (possibly explore some new places). Suggestion for gifts for your beloved Ram include do-it-yourself kits, tickets to any sporting event, accessories for their gadgets, or you could even get them some good clothes.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)- Ruled by the planet Venus, Taurus loves luxury and sensuality. If you wish to impress the Bull, take him/her for a shopping trip to the mall during the day, and plan a romantic dinner date at a good restaurant, especially one that they love, to seal the deal! Despite their serious side, Taurus loves to be pampered, so planning a couple’s spa date could also be a great idea.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)- For a Gemini, variety is the spice of life. The best way to please your Gemini would be a collection of big and small gifts. Let them choose what they want to do. Give them a list of options; say a movie date, a home-cooked dinner, or go out for a romantic dinner and play twenty questions. Flirting and seduction is the way to keep things exciting for them, as they cannot resist the thrill.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)- Nothing is more appreciated by a sentimental Cancer than something thoughtful; a loving gesture that expresses your unconditional love for them. Since they feel most comfortable and happy in their own homes, for Valentine’s Day, decorate the house with flowers and light some scented candles. You could either order in or make them a loving home-cooked meal. They will love the effort you put in to make the day memorable.
Leo (July 23-August 22)- For Valentine’s Day, take the bright and energetic Leo out for a marvelous evening. To woo your Lion, treat them like royalty. Shower them with some extravagant and classy things - say an expensive wine, or a huge bouquet of flowers and chocolates. Since they like to be in the spotlight, and love anything to do with amusement, planning to go for a gig would be quite appreciated by a Leo.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)- As an Earth sign, it is no surprise that Virgos can be quite balanced and practical. Since they are all about perfection and tend to be hard-workers, Virgo would highly appreciate gifts that will hone their intellect or help them organize their life. If you are unsure about how to spend the day, gifting books, organizers, home gadgets or anything that will add value to their daily lifestyle would be well-liked!
Libra (September 23-October 22)- It may not come as such a surprise that Libra simply loves romance, and all the frills attached to it. This flirtatious and charming zodiac loves to be showered with affection, nothing too fancy though. Taking them out to their favorite restaurant, or preparing their favorite dish at home will go a long way with a Libra. Small gifts like some unique jewelry, spa vouchers, home decor items, or anything that appeals to their aesthetic style will also be appreciated.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)- Scorpio can be intense and emotional. When it comes to romantic relationships, they can be quite passionate yet demanding. However, when it comes to showing your love for them, they do not look for over-the-top displays of affection, or even extravagant, flashy gifts for that matter! A Scorpio would appreciate anything which comes from the heart, even if it is small and not very expensive. Since this zodiac tends to be the most sexual, spending the day in bed would be a good idea.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)- If there is one zodiac that loves to party, and go with the flow on the big V-Day, it is Sagittarius. Impulsive and fun-loving, Sagittarius loves meeting (new) people, trying new things and exploring anything exotic. For those who can afford it, pamper your Sagittarius partner with a romantic getaway. Suggestions for gifts include cute accessories, or even a traveling backpack- to maybe promise of a future-vacation!
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)- A great aspect about dating a Capricorn is that you do not have to get too stressed about impressing them for Valentine’s Day. Capricorns are all about genuineness and constancy, and will even appreciate the smallest gesture. However, since they do not really like public displays of affection, planning a more private and intimate date would be more appreciated. A suggestion for gifting your partner would be to get them a framed picture of your fondest memory with them.
Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)- To tantalize an Aquarius, choose an intellectual gift. Surprise them with your creative and out-of-the-box ideas. Since they love nature, and anything to do with it, you could plan a lovely picnic or take them out in the evening for a dinner-alongside-a-river date! Getting them a good book, or even a camping-gear, for those who seriously love the wilderness, could also be a good idea!
Pisces (February 19 to March 20)- The sensitive dreamer in the zodiac circle, Pisces whole-heartedly appreciate the fact that someone went all out and made an effort to plan something romantic, especially for them! Get them a gift that has a personal touch to it, and things could get even more charming. Chocolates, flowers, bath and body products, perfumes, and cute little knick-knacks really appeal to this sensual and emotional lover.
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