Venus, Mercury, And Sun in Sagittarius: What Can You Expect?

Thu, Dec 23, 2021
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Thu, Dec 23, 2021
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Venus, Mercury, And Sun in Sagittarius: What Can You Expect?

According to Vedic astrology, Sun is associated with higher officials, father, government job, leadership ability, etc. The planet Sun will leave Scorpio and transit in the Sagittarius sign. It will stay in Sagittarius till 14th January 2022, 2:29 p.m. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and affection, will remain in Sagittarius till 30th December 2021, 9:57 a.m. Furthermore, Mercury, known as the planet for speech and intelligence, will stay in Sagittarius till 29th December 2021, 11:15 a.m. You will be surprised and delighted to know that these three planets will create two auspicious Yogas. 

Curious to know more? Then read on here. 

First and foremost, Budhaditya Yoga will be created by Sun and Mercury, and second, the Lakshmi Narayana Yoga will be created by Mercury and Venus. These Yogas are a remarkable occurrence as they usher name, fame, and luxury in your life. In Budhaditya Yoga, you achieve name and fame, and on the other hand, in Lakshmi Narayana Yoga, you get to attain money. 

Do you want to get personalized predictions? Then, connect with Astro Puujel right away!

Now, let's find out what effects these planets in the Sagittarius sign will have on the zodiac signs. 

Aries - This transit will take place in your 9th house. Luck will be on your side because Venus and Mercury will transit in Sagittarius. This will be the primary reason your luck will increase. 

  • During this period, you will take more interest in religious work. You will also go on religious trips. 
  • You will get good benefits from your father. He will support you in every matter. 
  • Family matters will get solved during this period.  This will be quite beneficial for you. 
  • You will be delighted because of your love relationship. The love between you and your partner will increase in leaps and bounds.

Remedy - Feed people belonging to the labor class. Read Aries Horoscope 2022

Taurus - The transit will take place in the 8th house. This period will be favorable for people who have work abroad. 

  • People involved in research will also get good benefits in their careers.
  •  You will get good benefits from your in-laws. 
  • Stay alert at all times, as your enemies can harm you. 
  • Most importantly, take care of your health and be careful with your diet.

Remedy - Worship the divine Radha and Krishna. Read Taurus horoscope 2022

Gemini - The transit will take place in your 7th house. The love between you and your partner will increase in this period. 

  • People involved in business will get good results. Even if you are working in partnerships, things will be favorable for you. 
  • All your business-related trips or work-related expeditions will be successful during this period. 
  • Siblings will support each other, and the relationship between them will improve. 
  • Any work abroad and business-related to import and export will give you excellent benefits. 
  • This period will be favorable for couples who want a love marriage. 

Remedy - Feed the street dogs. Read Gemini Horoscope 2022

Cancer - The transit will take place in your 6th house. Individuals preparing for government jobs or any other competitive exam will get good results. 

  • This period will also prove to be perfect for students, and they will be able to clear their exams. 
  • People who are already working in the government sector might get promoted. Moreover, they might also get good opportunities. 
  • All your enemies will be defeated in this period. 
  • This is a sound period for monetary gains. Additionally, you will be able to save money in this period.

Remedy - Chant the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra. Read Cancer horoscope 2022

Leo - This transit will take place in your 5th house. This period will be quite favorable for lovers. 

  • This period will be favorable for individuals who wish to go abroad for higher education. 
  • You will be able to connect with your colleagues and your seniors. This will benefit you at your workplace. 
  • Your name and reputation will increase in society, which will make you happy. 
  • This is the best period for money-related matters. You will be able to save more. 
  • Your efforts and hard work will pay off, and you will get good results. 
  • Do not lend money to anyone during this period.

Remedy - Chant the Gayatri Mantra. Read Leo horoscope 2022

Virgo - The transit will take place in your 4th house. All property-related problems will get solved in this period. 

  • Any work stuck for an extended period will get back on track. 
  • Your money-related problems will get solved during this period. 
  • You will be able to attend many family functions. This will make you happy, and you will enjoy the functions thoroughly. 
  • This will be an ideal time to make property-related investments. 
  • Try to avoid unnecessary arguments as they can be harmful to you.

Remedy - Take blessings from women who are of your mother's age. Read Virgo horoscope 2022  

Libra - This transit will take place in your 3rd house. In this period, you might go on business-related trips. These trips will turn out to be successful for you. 

  • You will make good work-related connections, which will benefit you. 
  • You will achieve excellent results from your hard work. 
  • Most importantly, take care of your health. You might feel tired because of a lot of work pressure. This can also disturb you mentally. Hence, keep a check on your health. 

Remedy - Do Shiv Abhishek with Panchamrit. Read Libra horoscope 2022

Scorpio - This transit will take place in your 2nd house. All your money-related problems will get resolved in this period but only after you put in hard work. 

  • There are chances that arguments might happen between you and your in-laws. So try your best to avoid unnecessary disputes. 
  • This period will be amazing for people working in the government sector. 
  • You will get adequate support from your father, which will make you feel more energetic. Moreover, you will also get support from your partner, which will be lucky for you. 
  • People working in the business sector will get positive results. Furthermore, people involved in working abroad will also be successful.

Remedy - Chant the Hanuman Mantra. Read Scorpio horoscope 2022 

Sagittarius - This transit will take place in your 1st house. In this period, you will achieve success, but you will also be stressed. So, try to focus more on your mental peace and concentrate only on doing your work. 

  • You will get to spend quality time with your partner. This will make you feel happy. 
  • Those who wish to join the government sector should try during this period. 
  • Your siblings will support you, and your relationship with them will become stronger.

Remedy - Worship Lord Shiva.  Read Sagittarius horoscope 2022  

Capricorn - This transit will take place in your 12th house. In this period, you will gain a good amount of money. However, your expenses will also increase. This will affect your savings. Additionally, unnecessary expenses can also cause you stress. 

  • You might feel stressed because of your partner. Thus, try to avoid unnecessary arguments. 
  • Before doing anything in this period, give it a proper thought. 
  • Try to be more alert; otherwise, you might face losses. However, if you are clever in this period, you can overcome the losses easily.

Remedy - Read Hanuman Chalisa. Read Capricorn horoscope 2022 

Aquarius - This transit will take place in your 11th house. You will have a sudden monetary gain in this period. 

  • The differences between you and your partner will affect you a lot. It will be the cause of stress in your life. 
  • Avoid doing any work in partnerships in this period, as it will cause you harm. If you are already working in a partnership, stay alert as your partner might ditch you. 
  • Be calm. 
  • Try to avoid unnecessary tensions. 
  • Most importantly, take care of your health. Try to add more exercises to your daily schedule and also keep a check on your diet.

Remedy - Feed green grass to the cows. Read Aquarius horoscope 2022  

Pisces - This transit will take place in your 10th house. This period will be quite favorable for you. 

  • You will achieve outstanding results from your efforts. 
  • Any work, such as government-related work, stuck for a long period, will get back on track.
  • This period is perfect for investments.  
  • You will enjoy luxury which will make you quite happy. 
  • Your family will support you in this period, which will make you feel energetic. 
  • Stay vigilant as your enemies might try to harm you. 
  • Be alert while driving or riding a vehicle.

Remedy - Do a Lakshmi Narayan Path. Read Pisces horoscope 2022

✍️ By- Astro Puujel

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