Venus will transit from Pisces to Aries on 10th, May 2019 (Friday) at 19:19 . Venus is the lord of Taurus and Libra and is the key significator of conjugal affairs and general happiness. Venus transits are considered very important in Vedic astrology as the Planet is found to be very influential on our destinies. The impact of this transit on your life would majorly depend upon the house in which Venus is transiting according to your zodiac sign. Read on to find out about the impact of this transit.
(Please note that these predictions are based on Moon signs)
Venus is transiting into your own zodiac sign, which will bring in good luck for you. Venus will conjunct with Mercury which is already positioned on your zodiac sign, this would bolster the overall positivity which you are enjoying in life. This transit will be particularly good for your conjugal affairs and you would spend some quality time with family.
Venus is the lord of your Sign and its transit into Aries will happen in your 12th house. You would have an urge to do or start something new, if you can convince yourself to do it and then to put in your best efforts this new endeavor will prove to be fruitful in long term. But you should be beware of conspiracies and enemies during this tenure.
Venus is transiting into your 11th house and is also in conjunction with the lord of your house- Mercury, in Aries. The conjunction of Venus and Mercury would bring in good luck for you in the work front and there are chances and probabilities for a promotion or hike. You would enjoy blissful married life during this tenure and couples who are trying for a baby will get the much-anticipated news. If you are a parent you would hear good news from your offspring and feel good about them.
Venus is transiting into your 10th House. If you enjoy traveling, there would be opportunities for a trip to a much distant location. Your general standard of living would improve and there are chances of financial gains from ancestral properties or inheritance.
Venus is transiting in to your house of fortune and good luck. So this transit is going to bring good luck to you. If you have been struggling to finish a task for a long time, all obstructions will be cleared during this time period. You will feel healthy and strong during this tenure, and recovery from any disease or wounds would be easy. You would be charged with fresh energy during this tenure and if you put your best efforts you could achieve great results.
Venus in the eighth house can bring in obstacles and difficulties in your work front. You may have to face some sudden hindrances and delays in work. You should also take good care of your health as there are chances for you to get affected by diseases or infections. Mercury- the lord of your house is also positioned in the eighth house which would be a supporting factor for you. You are advised to worship Lord Ganesha.
Venus is transiting in your seventh house. The transit will have a positive influence in your relationships and conjugal affairs. Those who were seeking out for the right partner will find the right match and if you have been facing obstacles to get married, all hindrances will be cleared during this time period. Any disagreements with your partner will also be solved for good.
The transit is not a very favorable time period for you as Venus is transiting on to your 6th house and Mars is positioned in your 8th. You should take good care of your health and should be cautious while traveling and driving. You may also face difficulties in the work front, but the advice is to stay strong and consider this as just another passing phase of life.
Venus is transiting into your fifth house. This can have a positive impact on your intellect, your children will make you happy during this tenure. You would be appreciated for your performance in the work front and will earn respect for your sharpness and creativity. If you are into business then new opportunities to strike good profits may come your way. Love life would be smooth and peaceful and if you have been in disagreement with your partner for some time things will be sorted out.
Venus is transiting into your fourth house. You would achieve new heights in the career front. If you were planning for big investments like purchasing a house or business investments then this would be the ideal time to do that. You will be helped by your superiors in the workplace which would a great motivational factor too.
Venus is transiting into your 3rd house. You will be feeling very lucky during this time period and would enjoy a very peaceful and joyous family life. You will spend some good time with family and would appreciate each other’s support and acknowledge your love and respect for everyone. Mars in the 5th house would take a test of your intelligence and efficiency, but you could overcome this by taking logical decisions.
Venus is transiting into your second house. Due to the conjunction of Venus and Mercury in the house of profit and financial gain you have high chances of receiving good profits or increments. If you have been waiting to receive some funds which have been long delayed, chances are that all such delays and obstacles will be cleared and you would be credited with that amount.
An expert astrologer would need to analyze the planetary positions in its backdrop of your Birthchart to provide you with precise and accurate predictions.
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