Venus Transit to Scorpio and Its Impact on You

Thu, Dec 10, 2020
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Thu, Dec 10, 2020
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Venus Transit to Scorpio and Its Impact on You

Venus transits are always something which you should look up to unless you have decided to give up all worldly pleasures and live off in the high mountains or forests. The planet primarily pertains to luxury and wealth according to astrology. The Venus transits to Scorpio on 11th December 2020 at 5.30 am. This transit will make those aspects clear to you, that you would like to share with others and become happy. This could be addictive and can develop a profound intimacy or obsession. You can get into trouble by getting sucked into the shadow side of your deeds, or on the positive side, you may uncover hidden resources like money or great contacts. There is potential for new beginnings after this transit, in Venus-ruled areas or aspects of life. People should surround themselves with positive thoughts and affirmations during this period. This means that the transit can be turned to your advantage if you understand the implications well and make wise decisions. Read on to learn more about the impact of Venus transit to Scorpio on your zodiac sign.

(Please note that these predictions are based on Moon signs)


This transit will bring in financial benefits and also provide you with many opportunities to grow better in your professional career. You might find a secondary source of income, which will encourage you to take bolder steps in your investment front. You might receive accolades and adoration from your circle of friends due to your determined efforts and confident outlook. You need to manage things with more understanding and farsightedness, and well thought-over steps so that you get the maximum benefit of this transit.


Taurus natives may experience some setback at the beginning of this time period but with hard work and perseverance, you can regain the lost ground and run ahead on the road to success.  Your expenses should be constantly monitored and kept in control for maintaining a steady financial position. You should make it a point not to argue with your boss; otherwise, you might have to go through humiliation and demotion. Your business may come across a cash crunch, and payments may get stuck in such a scenario don’t hesitate to get some help from the credit agencies before it impacts any of your major business relationships.


Your married life would experience a wonderful change after the transit and there would be many instances of absolute conjugal bliss. Wedding bells may ring for those who have been trying and anticipating marriage and you will be surprised by the way the universe brought you the ideal partner. It is a good time to relax mentally and physically and feel lighter. There are chances of few additions in your social circle and it can be useful for your business growth.

For a personalized horoscope analysis in the light of this Venus transit, consult our expert astrologers online.



It’s time to embrace the feeling of gratitude and appreciate all that small things which have made your life so beautiful. You should not be planning major investments during the transit time period. Just put them on hold for a while if you were planning something. Minor health issues may bother you. Take good care of yourself and get medical help if required.


This Venus transit may make you encounter someone who has a magnetic personality and the interaction will have profound impacts on your character. There are some chances of arguments and in personal life, roadblocks and obstacles are indicated, don’t get disheartened. Things will happen but maybe not the way you anticipated. Be careful about your expenses during the end of the year as overspending may take a toll on your financial plans. The Venus transit will prove beneficial for those who are into business.


During the transit, period avoid tense situations and conversations at work as well at home. If you can take some time out and spend it with your spouse or partner, you will not regret it. Your personal savings will gain some weight and improve significantly; this is also a good time to relook at your investment portfolio. Your communication skills will be appreciated and you will be able to make a good impression of it.


This Venus transit will bring in financial benefits and also provide you with many opportunities to grow better in your profession. You might find a secondary source of income during this time period. Though this will provide you with extra income make sure that it doesn’t bite into your inner peace and add on to the stress quotient. You will get a lot of compliments from your circle of friends due to your determined efforts and confident outlook. You need to manage things with a broader vision and farsightedness.


Be cautious and careful when it comes to any decision related to finance during this time period. Maintaining a peaceful atmosphere at home as it is imperative and vital during this tenure as you need to keep stress at bay. Bad habits should be controlled as there are chances of you overdoing it.  Just stay away from office politics and avoid indulging in gossiping. They are not worth your time and we you have got important things to do.


After the Venus transit on the 28th of October, it would be the right time for new beginnings and trying out new projects at work. Your high energy and pro-activeness will make you very competitive during this time. If you are into sales it’s time to crack some new deals and acquiring new clients. Utilize the luck and positive vibes showered upon you by Venus and make the best out of it. Official trips will be productive and there would be significant breakthroughs.

For a personalized horoscope analysis in the light of this Venus transit, consult our expert astrologers online.



You should be ready to face some embarrassing situations in the workplace and to take some difficult decisions. Be kind and empathetic to your fellow beings, and it's fine to do some favours even if there is no benefit in it for you. You will feel good after it. Financial gains are on the cards, you might get some funds which you had written off as bad debts. Venus is the planet which pertains to wealth and lifestyle and after this transit, you might be in for a treat. You are advised not to squander the wealth which you acquire during this time period in frivolous festivities. Do some wise investments too.


During this time period, you will have to make some effort towards making your domestic life peaceful and harmonious. Moreover, open conversations will avoid all sorts of friction in your family and love life. Unmarried natives will consider some good alliances during this tenure. A new job offer is also on the cards, but you should only take it up if it adding more value to your career, don’t take a call just considering the pay.


Health issues may burn a hole in your pocket during this time period, but you should not make any compromises. Occasional arguments and friction at home may take up a lot of your thought space, and may even add on to the overall stress. On the work front, your hard work will be recognized and you might get a promotion, bonus or incentive. You may get a chance to host your friends or family during this time period. Spend some quality time with them to feel good.

A deeper look at your horoscope in the light of this transit can provide you with more relevant insights. Consult expert astrologers 24/7 from your part of the world on Click here to consult now!

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