Don’t we all hide a certain aspect of our personality from the world? Nobody’s an angel and there is a wicked side to everyone.
Here’s revealing what your friend or lover will probably never ever tell you or even you will not tell anyone - the darkest and deepest secrets of the different sun signs
Most Arians tend to be chauvinistic, there is nobody who they think is worthy enough of even standing before them. Well, if that were true all the leaders of the world would be Aries. Their ego is bigger than the universe and dare you hurt it, you would have to deal with that vicious tongue of theirs that pierces straight through the heart. And last but not the least, they are insanely self-obsessed.
The lazy bulls have this special quality about them that surely sets them a thousand miles apart from the rest and that is called avarice. Greed can drive them insane; they crave for all the luxury in the world but don’t want to work hard for it. Funny, isn’t it?
Do you really think your Gemini friend listens when you share your problems with him/her? For one, they do not and even if they do, then all that we can say is God bless you. Geminis only know how to talk, they never listen. Well, only sometimes when they think the gossip to be juicy enough and at the blink of an eye they will be telling your most intimate secrets to everybody.
The crabs are so nice that it hurts, but they do have a wicked side like everybody else, may be not as wicked though, and depends on how you look at it. They tend to be clingy and dependable, emotionally unstable and freak out at the silliest of things.
Now, how can a dangerous animal like Lion be nice? Proud and loud, Leos, just like their fire mates Aries, have a thing for being boisterous. Cross their line of fire and you’d be sorry you met them in the first place.
Their sugar coated words should never be trusted. Beneath that calm and composed exterior is a cunning person who doesn’t really mean it when he/she says that they admire you. And yes, how can one forget about their knack for perfection or rather irritating need to poke their nose in every matter, whether it concerns them or not, all the time.
No the scales do not turn in their favour, not this time. Vanity conscious and power hungry, this air sign literally takes the symbol of their sign, the scales too seriously. They can be so finicky and obsessed about equality that it makes them go crazy.
You probably were expecting a lot of "good things" about the Scorpio and well, you wouldn’t be disappointed. There are actually a lot of good things that you didn’t know (or already knew) about them. Manipulative, selfish, controlling all that’s fine but the best thing is they never forgive. Revenge is a dish best served cold and the Scorpio out of all the signs understands it the best.
The saying - "promises are meant to be broken" was probably by a Sagittarius. To a Sagittarian, life without adventure is so plain and boring that they need to do everything adventurous (read stupid) to get their adrenaline pumping, even if it means breaking someone’s heart (but they do realize it later).
Goats and devilish? You’d probably say no way but here’s letting you on a little secret-they are selfish, very selfish indeed. One has to give it to the Capricorns for maintaining such a saintly image.
Aquarians have a deep desire for fame and they will do anything for it. Being detached is one thing and backstabbing is another but to an Aquarian they are all the same. They do so unintentionally though, if that is any consolation.
Round and round the fish goes, planning the next best move to get what it wants. Sweet on the outside and "God knows what" on the inside, Pisceans can be really deceptive and manipulative. A grown up Piscean may even cry or bawl like a kid to get what he wants.
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