When can I get my own house or property?

Wed, Mar 18, 2020
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Wed, Mar 18, 2020
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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When can I get my own house or property?

A commonly asked question by most people after they cross 30 years of age is about being the owner of a house or investing in property. While some people are blessed with money and property, others have to struggle for it. We may believe that it is all written in our karma but one cannot just sit back and wait for good things to come your way. If you yearn for a house of your own, the astrologers can tell you when this yog will come and you can speed it up by your hard work and also by chanting relevant powerful mantras.

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When you approach an astrologer with this question, the first thing he will do is to check your birth chart. For this, the only information you need to give him is your name, date, time and place of birth. After making your birth chart, he will check to see if you are lucky to have the presence of ‘Rajyoga’ in your Kundli, as it is the most important indicator of wealth. Along with Rajyoga, you should also have a strong Lagna and a Yoga that should be devoid of all malefic effects.


The astrologer will also consider other parameters while checking when you can be the owner of a property. He will check the primary parameter like the ‘Upachaya Houses’ (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th Houses in your birth chart) and secondary parameters like the strength of the 2nd House and the Lagna.


Along with these, the astrologer will also study the placement of Saturn in the birth chart. Saturn is an important planet as it controls karma and its effect in one’s life.


In order to fulfil your wish of owning a property or a house, you can also chant certain powerful mantras. Mantras send vibrations into the universe, which becomes the key that opens the lock to your happiness.


So, what is a mantra?

The word ‘mantra’ can be broken down into two words; ’Man’(to think) and ‘tra’ coming from the word ‘trai’(to protect or free). By repeating a relevant mantra over and over again, we can manifest our wish into reality.

While chanting a mantra helps in manifesting your wishes, it also has the power to build an armour (kavach) around your body which can protect you from evil. 


While there are many mantras that can be chanted for manifesting your wish for your own house and property, some important ones are-    

Om Hreem Dum Durgayei Namaha

 Om Aadharbhoota Jagatstvameka Mahiswaroopen Yatah Sthitaasi  

Apaan Swaroopasthitaya Twayait Daapyaayete Kritstra Malanghyaveerye.     

Om Glaum Shreem Annan Mahyannam Me Dehyannadhipataye       

Mammanna Pradapaya Swaha Shreem Galum Om.

Do take the guidance of a reputed astrologer, who will tell you the most relevant and powerful mantra to get your own house, after studying your birth chart. He will also tell you the right way to chant the mantra.

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Vedic astrology
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Vedic astrology
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