Expert astrologers of Astroyogi give out the monthly horoscope for May 2018. For personalised horoscope analysis and future insights consult our experts online.
Welcome to the month of May, dear Aries! The sun remains in Aries until the 15th, ensuring that you remain a positive influence (as well as positively influenced.) With the sun at its peak, you are able to achieve anything that you put your mind to. This is the perfect time to get things done, complete projects and initiate new ones. On the 15th, the sun moves into Taurus producing a mixed effect. At work, things are brilliant, especially if you work in an office or in agriculture and you also enjoy better health but in love, you may experience some minor setbacks. Mercury remains in Pisces until the 9th which can cause a dip in your confidence levels meaning that you may not be as active socially. By the 9th, Mercury moves into your own sign of Aries, which can lead you away from a spiritual path. Instead, you develop a passion for music and may take up an instrument. On the 27th, Mercury moves into Taurus, which blesses you with a calm mind and ensures that you spend quality time with family and your romantic partner. Venus in Taurus continues to bring you financial bounty from overseas and keeps love enthralling. By the 14th, Venus moves into Gemini, sign of the twins, which puts you in the good books of those younger than you, whether you parent them or teach them.
Dear Taurus, this month you are drawn to perfecting your home. You want the right curtains, the right kitchen, the right car. This will become a passion project for you. With the right home, you feel that you can do anything. On the 15th, the sun moves into your own sign of Taurus which is a beneficiary period for you. Your family is supportive of you, which means a lot, and you use this support to pursue your goals with greater determination. Take care of your eyes. This is a great financial period for you and also a wonderful time for love and education. By the 9th May, Mercury moves into galvanizing Aries and meditation will assist you with weathering the more agitating aspects of this position. On the 27th, Mercury moves into Taurus enabling you to communicate well. Singing and voice work are possibilities. You are popular among your friends and family and your personality makes you especially impactful with the opposite sex. People like you. On the 14th, Venus moves into Gemini, and you are set to make more money due to your innovative ideas. Love is at the forefront of your mind and if single, you may struggle to choose between your many admirers!
We begin this month with the sun in Aries and success and growth are ensured due to your brilliant mind. The real star of the show is your love life, which is good, joyous and exciting, all ingredients you crave in order to keep an interest. On the 15th, the sun moves into stable Taurus, lending you confidence and support from those close to you. With these two traits in place, you are able to follow your heart rather than do what you feel you need to do for the approval of others. With Mercury in Pisces until the 9th, you excel at work without even needing to try. By the 9th, Mercury moves into Aries, ensuring financial profit and a successful personal life. On the 27th, Mercury moves into Taurus and you may get itchy feet and long to travel. Please do so as this is an integral aspect of your nature and will bring you joy. The impact of Venus in Taurus ensures that others are supportive of you which is all that you can ever ask for. By the 14th, Venus moves into Gemini and your love life is on the mood. There may be a new partner but at the very least, a craving for novelty in some way. Your life could not be better. You may enter into a relationship with an age difference.
Welcome to the month of May. The sun remains in Aries until the 15th and this continues to be a fortuitous period for you. Any area of life where there have been unresolved tensions, will begin to improve. On the 15th, the sun moves into Taurus and you will focus more on work than on your personal life. Balance is key. One area should not be favoured over another, at least not for too long. Nonetheless, you do impress at work and progress is made. Mercury remains in Pisces until the 9th and you will withdraw from social obligations as you need to retreat into your shell. Honour this. On the 9th, Mercury moves into Aries and those of you who are professionals will do something new and different, inspiring upper management. On the 27th, Mercury moves into Taurus and you will spend money on good causes. You feel calm, composed and focused. Venus moves from Taurus to Gemini on the 14th, and although expenditure may rise, this will be for a good cause. If single, a new love is around the corner and feelings will be reciprocated.
Leo, you feel tense for the future, but you need to ground yourself in the here and now. Meditation will assist with this. Don’t project yourself too far ahead. Focus on what you are able to do in the present. On the 15th, the sun moves into Taurus and you find yourself blessed with extremely good luck. Your interest in spiritual matters blossoms and this gives you many outlets for self-care. You may find yourself lucky enough to meet with a famous personality. Money may pour to you from an unexpected source as you diversify your streams of revenue. At work, you are at your best and keep a strong and consistent pace. You are also the star of social gatherings as others adore your effervescent personality. On 9th May, Mercury moves into Aries and you find yourself in a financially strong position. You may also find that someone enters your life who will become important or significant in the future. On the 27th, Mercury moves into Taurus, a solid period for those working in the finance sector. You may find a new job or start a new career. On the 14th, Venus moves from Taurus to Gemini and you will enjoy a financially excellent period and be able to save plenty of money for a rainy day.
With the sun in Aries, you may be quick to anger and may not always know how to manage differences between you and your partner. Take a breather before airing any grievances and you can prevent unnecessary altercations. A lack of focus may plague you, but you can train your mind to focus with meditation and yoga so refer to these religiously. On the 15th, the sun moves into Taurus and you will be called to pay extra attention to your health and physical well-being. If you aren’t healthy, now is the time to make changes. Our bodies, minds and souls will remind us when something is off-kilter. You may need to change your environment, even if temporarily. On the 9th May, Mercury moves from Pisces to Aries and you may feel mentally upset or be plagued by coughs and colds. Again, good health will do a lot to relieve this discomfort. On the 27th, Mercury moves into Taurus and you will feel lucky and drawn towards spirituality. You will feel more hopeful and full of faith. Work becomes quieter and as such, you can breathe. On the 14th, Venus moves from Taurus to Gemini and you may need to work harder, but you have the concentration and determination to do so, which is the key to your success.
This month is a victorious one for Libra natives. A chronic health condition may begin to improve although you may be susceptible to minor ailments, coughs and colds. You can ward such ailments off with a few minor changes to your nutritional plan. On the 15th, the sun moves into Taurus which can trigger some issues with your life partner. What is brought to light can be resolved so you have nothing to fear. You just need to approach such issues with tenderness, compassion and an open mind. You may be drawn to planning a big trip as you are drawn to change and if change does not naturally occur, you may wish to instigate it. On May 9th, Mercury moves into Aries, which sees you become more of a go-getter at work. You will really get things done. On the 27th, Mercury moves into Taurus and you may find that unexpected financial gain funnels its way to you. On the 14th, Venus moves into sprightly Gemini which lightens life for you. A combination of luck and hard work gets you where you need to go, but don’t forget, hard work means just that. You will need to put the effort in to reap the rewards you seek.
This month, you may become known or recognised within your community or on the world stage at large. Remember, Scorpio is a magnetic sign and others are drawn to you even if you would rather lurk in the shadows or behind the scenes! The only area in which you need to exercise some caution is in love, where the boundaries can easily be blurred. Take the time to get to know a potential partner before taking the leap. On The 15th, the sun moves into Taurus and you may experience transformational life events. Transformation means different things to Scorpio than it does to other signs. You have an innate need to experience change and growth to the point that you may even instigate it if change isn’t forthcoming. With Mercury in Pisces until the 9th, you develop a slow and steady wins the race approach to work and produce consistent output. On the 9th, Mercury moves into Aries and there may be quarrels in your domestic life. Aries isn’t known to be shy and retiring! On the 27th, Mercury moves into Taurus and you develop a keen interest in travel and social activities. Venus moves from Taurus to Gemini on the 14th and you are advised to avoid unnecessary expenses as you may worry about money.
Sagittarius, this month you may be driven to purchase a dream home. For you, your home is a place from which you can jump off into new adventures, but you need that place of security first. With the sun in Aries, a combination of luck and hard work will serve you well. On the 15th, the sun moves into Taurus and education and children bring happy tidings. There is a huge success in your professional life. You are supported by fate in all you do. Mercury remains in Pisces until the 9th, and your personal life flourishes under this placement. You also become more of a homebody and want to be with family and friends. On the 9th, Mercury moves into hot-footed Aries, and you will find that intelligence becomes one of your most favoured qualities. On the 27th, Mercury enters Taurus which has a good, melodic, calming effect on you. Venus moves from Taurus to Gemini on the 14th and you will find yourself becoming a mountain of strength and support for your life partner. It is good to be needed but you also love them enough to understand the patience they require.
Capricorn, this is a month of change and lessons. Will you heed the call? We begin with the sun remaining in Aries, and you remain highly enthusiastic and devoted at work making it easy for you to complete tasks. It is important that you leave space for love and health rather than becoming too tunnel vision about your responsibilities. On the 15th, the sun moves into Taurus and you will experience professional and personal change. Your friends support the shift. Your confidence level is average but your output and personal life remain elite! On the 9th May, Mercury moves from Pisces to Aries and this moves you from a sensitive, quarrelsome place to one that is focused on resolving indifference and conflict. On the 27th, Mercury moves into Taurus which does generate some tension, but you must remember that luck will favour you in its own time. On the 14th, Venus moves from Taurus to Gemini and you may think about the future and on the legacy, you want to leave for the world. You need to take charge and manifest your thoughts into actions.
This is the start of a great month for you, Aquarius. We begin with the sun in Aries and you continue to reap financial benefits, enjoy an exciting love life and experience plenty of travel. On the 15th, the sun moves into Taurus and you will be proactive, ready to get things done. You have limitless stores of energy and know exactly what you need to do. You feel enthusiastic and experience close bonds with young ones. On the 9th, Mercury moves from Pisces to Aries, and you may be drawn to education. On the 27th, Mercury moves into Taurus and you will enjoy lots of new things entering your life including friends, jobs and possessions. This freshness is great for you, especially as an air sign as it gives you a new lease of life. On the 14th, Venus moves from Taurus to Gemini, and you find that serious issues plaguing you are resolved. This is a time where you live like a King or Queen. Life is simply perfect. It can’t get much better. There is a sense of excitement and harmony to life, isn’t that what we all desire?
You might start this month off feeling lazy, thanks to the sun in Aries, but the lesson is to go after what you want and learn to take action rather than sit and day dream. On the 15th, the sun moves into Taurus, you enter a financially strong period and find that your confidence begins to soar. You may use this newfound confidence to initiate a career change, travel with your partner or begin a new romance. There is a strong desire to go overseas and experience new cultures. On the 9th, Mercury moves from Pisces to Aries, an ideal placement for financial dealings of all kinds. You also feel excited and perhaps restless. There is drive to get things done. Your ability to communicate improves and you articulate your needs and opinions well. On the 27th, Mercury moves into Taurus and you may find that you hit a slump and struggle to go after what you want. Just try to bring in the lessons you’ve already learnt: if you want something, you need to reach for it. On the 14th, Venus moves into light-hearted Gemini, the sign of the twins. Developments will occur but at a slow and steady pace. Do not travel during this period.