Celebrity tarot reader Mita Bhan unfolds Tarot Readings for the month of December 2017. Read on to find out what is in store for your sign this month. Enjoy your reading.
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The anger’s been brewing inside for quite a while now and a part of you is simply seething, if not itching for a fight. Before you explode on someone or something, how about letting go of the anger nonviolently? Try cardio. Or talk to a trusted soul about whats bubbling within. A harmless disagreement could escalate into a full-blown scene. Or you may end up fighting with your better half at home. At the workplace, you may act impulsively. Don't allow your critics to get to you. Do what you feel to be right. Financially a good month for consolidation and investments. An unexpected source of income opens up. A month to let go of the old and get ready for the new. Just keep your cool.
Your enthusiasm is infectious. And you’re as popular as can be with so many people vying for your attention and energy. A great time to learn something new. You may decide to go in for further studies or attend a workshop. Whatever you do will enrich you greatly in the long run. A young man may bring an important message or appear significant this week. Financial gains are indicated. Something you thought was lost or had given up hope on will suddenly appear. Your health is good and if you’re planning a holiday, nothing should come in your way of having fun! Pack your bags and get set to let your hair down!
You have the power to make anything happen. Just believe in yourself and communicate your wants. Choose wisely, work with your skills and talent and watch the accolades come your way. A month of achievements is in store for you, but first, you have to believe that you can do it. On the personal front, this could be the beginning of a new phase in your life. You let go of past insecurities and forgive those who hurt you in the past. A new friendship that develops in this period could turn out to be a strong soul connection, leading to greater personal growth. Be cautious in money matters, not everyone who is friendly is your friend.
Too much socializing has drained you. And it would be wise to simply withdraw for a while and recharge your batteries. Switch off the phone or the doorbell if you’ve been craving some quiet time. A good time to look back at what you’ve accomplished and set clear goals for the future. If your relationships haven't been making you happy, ask yourself why. If something needs changing from within, now’s a good time for an inner change. Meditation and alternative therapies like yoga and energy healing will be greatly beneficial in this period. Learn to let go of the uncontrollables. A money-related issue will be resolved eventually, but for the time being, just let go and trust that it will happen.
A particular thing just isn't working the way it should. And if it cant be fixed, quit trying. Cut your losses and break free before you collapse. It could be a project or a relationship that’s lost its fizz. Take stock of what you have and move on with peace and dignity. At the workplace, someone may pretend to be your friend but really isn't. Trust your gut and watch their actions. Watch your expenses and make sure you don't overshoot the budget. Impulsive shopping sprees could lead to regret. A good month to plan ahead, and if you were planning to change your job or your home, you may begin the process in the weeks ahead.
Something you’ve been wishing for comes true. Though it may not be how you originally envisaged it to be, it’ll still be good. Celebrate your achievements, look back at how far you’ve come. Know that you deserve it. A month of smooth transactions and negotiations, things go in your favour. Something you thought was a challenge will turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Even in the personal front expect warm, joyful interactions with loved ones. Single and looking? You could find the one in the weeks ahead. Just remember to stay grateful. An attitude of gratitude will bring blessings your way.
A chapter comes to a close. Something ends. And something begins. What will you focus on? What’s gone and over? Or what lies ahead with a sense of hope? Remember your thoughts create reality. And it’s critical you maintain a positive, optimistic outlook. Things are getting better after a period of confusion and stress. Just believe and it will happen. A good time for reconnecting with old colleagues and friends from the past. You may hear of an interesting opportunity. A personal relationship may have outlived itself and you may find yourself drifting away from someone who was close to you. Health matters may take the forefront towards the end of the month, so make sure you’re eating right and paying attention to the signals your body’s giving you. Think about incorporating a lifestyle change. It will be worth it.
Travel’s on the cards. Literally or metaphorically, you could move to better climes and times. Open your mind to new perspectives. And you may even consider a transfer or a relocation to a new place. A new colleague at the workplace may create a misunderstanding so do make sure all lines of communication remain clear and open and all times. Even at home, if things had been strained, this month promises better interactions. Remember, communication is the key to harmonious relationships. A child may be a source of joy and comfort. Remember the more you delegate and trust others the more you relax.
The harder you try to control a situation or a person, the worse you’re going to feel. Learn to detach yourself from the outcome this week or else you may end up nursing your wounds and feeling quite alone. Stay focused on the day to day matters and make sure your job list and your list of chores is updated. It's pointless to go over the past, it’s over, simply focus on making peace with the present moment. Money that was owed to you will be returned, and if you’re going in for a loan things should progress smoothly. A wonderful time to start anew, you may choose to declutter and simplify your life. Watch how it frees your mind in the process!
Your energy levels are high and it’s time to put it to good use. Don’t rush headlong into making any decisions without careful thought. In your rush to complete deadlines, you may make some costly mistakes. If things aren't going your way, speak up and do not fear criticism. Positive changes are coming in, just seize the energy and use it to your advantage. On the personal front, sort things out straight away with a friend you cherish. Keeping things inside is not going to help the relationship. An old flame may wish to reconnect with you, and it will be up to you to take his or her call. You may feel tired of your routine and crave adventure. Go on, dare to live your dream.
Roll up your sleeves and show that you mean business. Time to get a little more serious especially if this job means the world to you. Remember, you have it in your, but the world needs to see that. Become a little more proactive and take on new challenges. Success is around the corner, but first, you need to sweat a little for it. In personal lives, a new relationship could take a serious note with discussions about marriage. Keep an open mind to what’s being said but think through your responses. Charitable work will bring hidden blessings. Spend time outdoors with nature for a quick pick me up.
An opportunity beckons. Or a choice needs to be made. Listen to your heart and take a leap of faith. Your world could be changing for the better, but first, you need to take a few risks. In relationships, take a chance with someone who’s not your type. Or go for a holiday to a place you’ve never been before. A time for adventure, a time to be open minded. Even in financial matters, you may find yourself splurging on something you would never have dreamt of a few years ago. Go on and take the plunge, just this time. Embrace what the world has to offer, and your perspective will be changed forever!