Your weekly horoscope (7th to 13th Jan, 2019) analysis can provide insights on the crucial planetary movements and its impact on your life. Stay tuned to Astroyogi’s expert astrologers for horoscope analysis.
When your passion is turned on, there is nothing that you cannot complete. Part of this is due to your desire to be first in all things, but also you enjoy the feeling of momentum when you actively seek to accomplish something. An idle Aries is one whose confidence has been knocked. You start the New Year feeling very positively and if there is a new mountain that you wish to climb, you have the guts, courage and zeal to do so. You may even inspire others to complete their own goals. There is something infectious and endearing about your spirit that translates well with others. You may find yourself contracting a cough or cold so take care of your health and avoid unnecessary quarrels with loved ones.
Taurus natives tend to be lucky financially. This is due to a mixture of patience, wisdom and an understanding of the value of things, particularly the finer things in life. You aren’t afraid to splurge as you understand that possessions can bring pleasure, but you also appreciate that spending money wisely can be a big investment rather than a transient joy. This week you may find yourself inheriting money or making money back to a clever investment. With Venus in Scorpio, you are keen to dig deep with your spouse. This is a good time to clear the air and also to get close. Scorpio craves connection and intimacy. With Mars in Pisces, success is certain but there will be competition. This is a good thing – it can spur you on to achieve greatness.
The Gemini mind is a whirling dervish. It could also be compared to an intricate spider’s web – it captures every detail. The positive impact of this is that you are able to see any scenario from multiple perspectives. The negative is that it can produce worry, even anxiety, which can trigger procrastination and paralysis. An ongoing lesson for you with the Sun in Sagittarius is to learn to act rather than to think. After all, actions are the manifestations of our thoughts. Turn to your opposite sign for inspiration. If things go wrong, so what? You can simply pick yourself up and put yourself onto a different path. With Venus in Scorpio, your health should be your key priority. Take the best care of yourself. Mars in Pisces urges you to find something that you feel excited about it. This will get you in tune with your air energy.
As an emotional sign, you enjoy understanding others and you need to be understood. You will feel frustrated this week if this understanding does not take place. It may be a sign that important relationships need to be rekindled. Relationships are your forte and your ability to nurture and nourish others means that this should come easily to you. In terms of your career, growth and success are guaranteed due to your tenacity and warmth. The hard and soft aspects of your character create a harmonious whole that people can’t help but like. With Venus in Scorpio, you seek a challenge. This will likely manifest as an educational challenge but may also be emotional in nature. With Mars in Pisces, you may feel emotionally volatile. You wax and wane like the moon. Try to keep a thread of consistency running through.
The desire for change remains strong. What kind of change do you seek? Due to the sun’s placement in Sagittarius, it is likely that you will seek a career change, as Sagittarius seeks truth and knowledge, however it may be more personal than that. Only you know what your heart seeks. How could anyone discourage you from pursuing it? Once you find a direction, you are unlikely to give up. Your fixed, bold and brave energy is not easily stifled, although embarrassment and rejection can ruffle your feathers briefly. You’ll puff yourself up and return to the stage after having licked your wounds. The quest for novelty may also manifest in a material sense, drawing you towards a car or home. With Mars in Pisces, there may be a degree of fear, even if on an unconscious level. Face your fears head on, and you’ll find that they evaporate like mist!
Communication continues to be the key to your success. With Mercury as your ruler, you are a natural born communicator and you understand that it’s important to consider how you come across, especially at work. You are especially charismatic, and people respect how you can command a room in a fairly understated way. Virgo’s may not seem like natural leaders, but they really are. They know all the details and are amazing at delegating. Virgo’s understand that they may not be able to do it all, but they can know it all! With Venus in Scorpio, you may lack enthusiasm for a little while, but you will ultimately be lucky in all that you do. With Mars in Pisces, personal problems may be churned up. Your detail-oriented mind will sift through the mess and muck to find the lessons in it all. Through the mist there is always a hidden path.
With the Sun in Sagittarius, you are drawn to gregarious pursuits. Spending time with friends will appeal. You want to be social, generous and involved in as much as you can. Do be cautious not to exhaust yourself, but you tend to be re-charged by company as an air sign. You will be drawn to fiery characters who re-charge you. With Venus in Scorpio, your health will be robust and previous health conditions will improve if not disappear. Nonetheless, watch for fatigue and minor throat ailments. Throat issues may be connected with your throat chakra – are you able to speak honestly and assertively? With Mars in Pisces, you enjoy a harmonious, dreamy, heavenly time and excel financially. Not a natural saver, you still manager to stock up on cash this week.
You continue to be the life and soul of the party this week. No, we have not confused you with a Sagittarius or a Gemini, this is just the mood you are embracing. You are also able to concentrate and focus at work ensuring that you honour your professional commitments. Ensuring that you spend time with your partner should also be a priority. You will complete tasks but at a slow pace, this ensures that all tasks are completed successfully. You may be drawn to taking a big risk, especially in business. Seeking advice is important to ensure that the risks are mitigated. Danger for the sake of danger is not advisable! Mars in Pisces can trigger indecision and dilemma. People fear such words, but actually it is through such darkness that we can run into the truth of who we are. You are less afraid of this than most – you understand that light and dark exists in us all.
Your cheerful, good natured disposition wins you many friends and promises good luck. If we believe that good luck is self-generated, then you are the luckiest sign of all. You have an innate belief that things will all work out, and if they don’t, you find the next adventure to throw yourself into. This is a great week for you financially, socially and professionally. All seems to fit in place like a perfectly completed puzzle. You are encouraged to avoid addictive habits like smoking and drinking, even if consuming them for celebratory reasons. This will dim and darken your spirit which is naturally so light and cheery. Mars in Pisces may turn down the dial on your ability to concentrate but you will still nurture your own ambitions. There is nothing to truly deter you.
How can we have a healthy relationship with time and responsibility? How can we be mature, responsible and authoritarian without being pessimistic, negative and controlled? Well, this is a balance that you are consistently learning to strike. Fortunately, this week you are fortified by desire, freshness and enthusiasm. You have things that you wish to achieve, and it will be fairly easy for you to find the success you crave. This is also a great time to kindle a romance. Venus in Scorpio is a wonderful placement for love. You bring the right balance of dark sweetness, nurturing commitment, intimacy and passion. With Mars in Pisces, you may long to roam far and wide and your financial situation will improve giving you the freedom to make choices. Hard work guarantees solid results and friends and family support all your endeavours.
Now is a good time to think, but not to act. For air signs, that’s not really an issue. You love lingering in the realm of the mind. Think, dream, wonder, but don’t do, not yet. The reason for this is that your mind is so pregnant with ideas, but it does not know which to bring to gestation. The advice of others is helping but can also cloud your own intuition. Allow some time for the clouds to part – what you need to do will then be clearer. Professionally, this is a wonderful time for you and also a great time to consider what you may wish to do next. If you work in the media, you’ll be very successful thanks to your insight. You are leagues ahead of your competitors, always ready with a witty caption. Mars in Pisces can bring a lot of emotion discord into your life – you may feel negative, lack confidence or feel confused. There may be a need to move away whether physically or mentally, from things that trouble you. All will settle but for now put yourself first.
Pisces doesn’t like to plan. You know it’s true! You prefer life to ‘happen.’ This week you are called to make plans. You, yes, YOU, can direct the flow of things this week. You can head the orchestra. Sound scary? Actually, it can be great fun, especially with your limitless imagination. How does life look when you begin to call the shots, voice opinions and make suggestions? With Venus in Scorpio, you are drawn towards the spiritual realm. Enriching your own spiritual practices appeals tremendously. With Mars in your own sign of Pisces, you feel calm and settled, very much at home in your own skin. This is a great time of creativity and artistry – see what happens when you truly settled in and focus your beautiful energy onto a blank slate. You might be amazed…
Source: www.Astroyogi #GPSforLife