Five of Cups

Five of Cups

The Five of cups indicates a feeling of sadness, loss of isolation from life. It makes one realise the need for a spiritual guide.

Five of Cups Tarot Card Description

The card is painted with the image of a man who is looking over the three cups which are knocked off. These three cups symbolise disappointment and failures. On the other hand, there are two other cups behind him which are a symbol of opportunities and potential. But the man is so engrossed and dripped in sulking over the losses that he fails to see the opportunities on the other side.

In the background, one can see a bridge that shows a secure passage to reach the castle or home. It is the symbol that one can overcome all the problems and troubles and reach a secure place if he/she makes efforts to build a bridge.

Five of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

It depicts the unpredictable outcome of a certain effort, plan or a project which is not good. It makes you sad, regretful and disappointed. You surround yourself with so much grief and sadness and keep wallowing which is making it difficult to move on and trying again. You are only sulking over the fact that how did you fail where and why. Dear, it is time to get over this gloomy state, leave self-pity. Limit it to a certain time and then forget about it and move on.

You are holding on to the past, let it go. Stop blaming yourself and victimising yourself. All these negative emotions and holding you back and not letting you move ahead in life. It is time to let such thoughts and feelings go.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to move forward.

Forgiveness is the key to feeling better. Forgive and forget is what is expected of you at present. Let that disappointment get out of you. Even if you feel frustrated then tell yourself that you tried your best and now you are aware of your mistakes.

Ponder and analyse the root cause and work on it. Learn the necessary lessons to make life better. Extract the positive from the bad.

Look out for opportunities and possibilities which are on your way. They are waiting for you which you have not noticed. Go for them when you are ready, do not haste instead analyse everything then go for it.

Expand your horizon and focus on the right things. Even if things are not going right on your way up the hill there are a lot of opportunities waiting for you. There are a lot of blessings and good news for you to explore them.

Upright Five of Cups Card Prediction for Love

Unfortunately, sadness and disappointment due to past relations can be foreseen. As it did not work out, you might have lost the one you loved or was important in your life. This loss will surely pinch you. The feeling of guilt and regret might haunt you. It can be because of past mistakes in the previous relationship. It also signifies the loss of a loved one. Due to the breakup, you are closing yourself and not distancing yourself from people who love you. It is time to deal with the present. Talk to your loved ones or you can even take help from a support group, join them. You will see the love in your life in future do not lose hope. Even if you are not ready at present.

For those in a relationship, it does not show a good sign. There are high chances of break up, separation or divorce. It can be because you had been holding on to the past and affecting your present relationship. You need to resolve your feeling to hold on to your current relationship. It can also show issues in the relationship.

Upright Five of Cups Card Prediction for Career

Unfortunately, the upright card shows no job, unemployment or even business closure. A partner leaving the partnership or abandoning the plan. All though it shows a time of imbalance and an increase in disappointment and failure.

Do not let this affect your mental balance and make you angry. A traumatic time on the career front can be foreseen. Financial loss! Be careful of the investments. You might also receive some sort of inheritance. Keep your fingers crossed!

Upright Five of Cups Card Prediction for Health

There is a possibility that your emotional baggage can give you mental issues and push you into depression. It is high time that you stop keeping yourself aloof from the world as it can give you a panic attack.

Speak to a professional counsellor or a trusted friend.

Five of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Meaning

It shows you have recently faced a setback. This failure is making you fear others' reactions to the same. You do not want others to mock at your choice of the wrong path. You are keeping all such weird thoughts and feelings in you.

It is time to let loose and vent out this feeling. You might think that others might see your pain but until you express they would not know. You can ask for help and talk to someone you trust. It will help to ease the pain. This will help you overcome setbacks. This card pushes you to encourage yourself and forgive yourself and go ahead.

You appreciate the past incident or event that has taken place in your life. It tells you that one cannot undo the past activities. It is now time to pacify your failures and stop self-pity. It is time to move on and shed this sulking mode. You are getting up to take the risk again especially in terms of love. You will meet your creative side again soon.

Reversed Five of Cups Prediction for Love

The card indicates that you have given up sulking and regret it. You have decided to move on. You have opened up toa to romance and affection around you. You are finally going to move ahead and not hold on to the negative feeling. You are able to forgive and forget. You are ready to overcome all the pain caused. Stop holding past feelings. Forgive each other renew the relationship.

Reversed Five of Cups Prediction for Career

Time to get back on your feet. If you had been jobless or facing loss in career life. For business, you will rebuild after being abandoned by your partner. You will retrieve your career graph both in business and job front. Your finances will improve with the passage of time.

Reversed Five of Cups Prediction for Health

Let go of the past and let in positive feelings to become healthy both mentally and emotionally.


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