Page of Cups

Page of Cups

The Page of Cups is the first card in The Suit of Cups which is the second suit of Minor Arcana.  The suit contains 14 cards depicting different aspects of life and events that are likely to take place in day to day life.

Page of Cups Tarot Card Description

The image on the card shows a person wearing a blue tunic with a floral scarf. He is standing at the shore, holding a cup with waves moving behind him. There is a fish in the cup which is peeping out of it and looking at the man. The water and fish show creativity, feelings and intuition along with the emotions of the person.

Page of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

A new idea or opportunity has come out of the box. Your creativity is at its peak and you do not know how to express it. Will you make it unpredictable or will wait for someone else to bring it into action.

It invites you to open up your curious mind. You should be open to opportunities. Your curious nerve will help you discover a new aspect of life. Dream and make it happen. Believe in miracles. Even if everything seems out of reach go for it. The card asks to explore your creative and emotional side. Pick up new talents or classes that can help you to explore your inner self and your psychic abilities. Do not be afraid of showing your feelings.

Hear each and every intuitive voice. Catch the signs from the universe and put them in making life better. There might be a few events or things which do not make sense but do not ignore them. Instead, try them and look beyond them as they will open to new discoveries and opportunities. One clue to lead to another and eventually you will reach your goal. Go with the flow. It also shows the birth of a baby, engagement, marriage or a love affair or a new project on charts.

Upright Page of Cups Card Prediction for Love

If you are in love or with a partner this card is a good omen. It depicts marriage, engagement, pregnancy or birth. It also indicates that you need to be more romantic.

If you are single. You might come across an admirer. It also signals a relationship with a younger person. If you have a crush on someone, you can tell them about it.

Upright Page of Cups Card Prediction for Career

For those waiting for promotion or job, this card bears with it high chances of receiving them. It shows that you are a dreamer than a person who believes in doing things and taking action. If you are not liking your present situation then make efforts to improve it. Do not wish instead work towards making things better both personally and professionally. You may be drawn towards art-related professions like fashion etc.

Luckily, financially you will receive good news. Analyse all kinds of investments then go ahead instead of jumping blindly.

Upright Page of Cups Card Prediction for Health

Good news on the health front. A test you are likely to take might come out clean. It also indicates pregnancy.

Page of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Meaning

It seems you are keeping your inspiration and idea a secret. You are scared that others will demotivate you or you will fail. This is the reason you are hesitant. Instead, you are keeping your plans secretive and waiting for the right time to put them in action when no one can influence you.

You will be offered a new project but you have doubts about it working or not. Others might take your ideas as dreams that will only stay as dreams but you don’t need to get affected by such thoughts and opinions. Ask yourself, do you want to regret rather than try and fail? So it is better you try irrespective of the outcome than do nothing and regret.

You might also experience a creative block. Express is what you want to do but there is something holding you back. The ideas are there but you are having trouble figuring out how to implement them. You are not able to connect to your intuition. For some, it might mean emotional immaturity and vulnerability. The card also tells about the personality of some who are dreamy not facing the ground reality.

Reversed Page of Cups Prediction for Love

The card shows disappointment, breakup, broken engagement and heartbreak. At this point in time, you may be highly sensitive, full of drama, due to which there might be friction in the relationship.
For some, it indicates losing their virginity.

For singles, it might not be a very good sign. You might fall trap to any plot or fake emotions that the other person might have created to use you. Little flirting you can enjoy but be careful that it does not go beyond that to harm you. Do not get swayed. For some, your jealousy, childish behaviour can annoy the partner of keeping you aloof of a good relationship. 

Reversed Page of Cups Prediction for Career

If you are waiting for a piece of good news like promotion etc they, unfortunately, will not fall in your basket. If you have not been acting nicely at the workplace then there are high chances that it will backfire you. Safe money for the rainy day as you would need it during the crunch time.

Reversed Page of Cups Prediction for Health 

Your workaholic attitude is eating up your health. Make sure you read the signals and do not exert yourself unnecessarily. 

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