Who doesn’t want Goddess Lakshmi besides them? She is the Goddess of wealth and if you want to attract Lakshmi to your home, you need to know a few things that displease her and should avoid that. Lakshmi Maa is known to be very unstable by nature; she tends to leave one place for another where she finds more comfort. Astroyogi gives you a list of seven such habits that you need to avoid if you want to be blessed with wealth and abundance.
Consult the expert astrologers of Astroyogi for Maa Laxmi Pooja guidance this Diwali.
Getting angry, losing control over your tongue, abusing someone are the things that breed negativity and this will drive away the Goddess from your abode. Laksmi resides in a place where there is warmth, affection, peace and harmony.
Disrespecting priests and religious texts
At times, we tend to not follow what the Shastras or end up disrespecting them. We should try and avoid this.
Getting up after Sunrise and sleeping during sunset displeases the Goddess
People who follow this kind of routine are generally unhealthy and suffer from some ailment or the other.
Indulging in Bhog Vilas during Brahma Muhurat or in the evening
A lot of people forget God when they are wealthy and abundant; they seek worldly pleasures during Brahma Muhurat (2am - 4am) and in the evening. According to Hindu dharma, the time in the morning from 2-4 is ideal for worship; those who utilize this time for indulging in worldly pleasures and enjoyment irk the Goddess of wealth.
Not lighting a Diya in the morning and evening
Not lighting a Diya in your home in the morning and evening angers Goddess Lakshmi.
Wearing unclean clothes
Lakshmi ji likes cleanliness. So, it is very important that you wash your clothes regularly and maintain hygiene.
Keeping your surroundings dirty
Lakshmi resides in a place which is neat and clean. Ensure that your house is cleaned regularly and there are no cobwebs or dirt etc. Dirt and clutter will drive away the Goddess.