As we are celebrating Yoga day on the 21st of June, Astroyogi explains on why and how one should incorporate Yoga and Astrology in their lifestyle. Yoga helps us to stay healthy and when combined with astrological insights, yoga empowers one's persona. A clue for the cause of all ailments and illnesses can be found from one’s horoscope. By practicing Yoga and making it part of your daily routine you will be strong enough from within to resist most diseases and ailments.
Astroyogi’s expert astrologer explains the influence and effects of the nine planets on our body mand some Yoga practices which can reciprocate to the malicious impacts.
Sun- Afflicted Sun gives lack of self –confidence, low energy, weak digestion and heart issues. Practice Surya Namaskar and Tadasana because it enriches Sun’s energy in your body.
Moon- Weak Moon gives emotional instability, anxiety, obesity, constipation and weak lungs. This can be cured by bhastrika and Titli (butterfly) Asan.
Mars – Strong and afflicted Mars makes a person short-tempered, aggressive, dominating, one may also lack vitality and have a weak liver. Sheetlikaran pranayama and Padmasana will give benefits in this case.
Mercury – When you have trouble with concentration, communication, calculation, and while taking a logical and practical decision or if you feel the lack of self-control, it is an indication of afflicted Mercury. Tratak and Vajrasan in Yoga would be most ideal in this scenario.
Jupiter – A malefic Jupiter gives obesity, auto immune disease, diabetics and weak digestion. Vajrasan and kapal bhati in Yoga balances Jupiter energy.
Venus – Affliction of Venus indicates difficult relationship, infertility, and weak kidneys. Moolbandh aasan is beneficial here.
Saturn – An inimical placement of Saturn causes isolation, unhappiness, separation, arthritis, weakness of bones and nerves. Doing Tratak and kapalbhati will be beneficial.
Rahu – Afflicted Rahu will probe the native to use abusive language, they would also experience restlessness, disputes, hallucinations, cloudy perception and contagious diseases. Bharmari and Bhastrika pacify negative effects.
Ketu – A malefic Ketu gives self-destructive tendency, insomnia, muscular problems and it would also make you prone to accidents and natural calamities. Kapalbhati and shirshasan help to balance the malefic effects of this Karmic planet.
International Yoga Day: Practice To Achieve Peace and Good Health | Yoga Poses To Do At Home