The Fourth Lunar Eclipse of 2020 (Chandra Grahan 2020) would be taking place on 30th November 2020. It is both an Astronomical as well as Astrological event in nature. It would begin at 01:04 pm and end at 5:22 pm (IST New Delhi, India). Moon would be debilitated and placed in Taurus under Rohini Nakshatra. Sutak would have not influence as this happens to be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.
Astronomically it is a very normal phenomenon as at some point of time Sun, Earth and Moon would be in a straight/linear line while in revolution and it would lead to the formation of an eclipse. But Astrologically, this event carries greater importance and there are certain do’s and don'ts associated with it.
The upcoming Lunar eclipse (Chandra Grahan) does not seem to be good for any zodiac sign. There are three important reasons for it. First is that currently we are observing Jyestha Nakshatra which forbids Dev poojan and it also states that the undertaken pooja also yields shrunk benefits. Second, the Moon would be debilitated as would be placed in Scorpio, so there would be less immunity for this planet to bear the influence of the eclipse.
According to the beliefs in the Indian mythology, these are some of the do’s & don’ts that one can practice to take care during the Lunar eclipse.
The following activities should be performed during the course of the eclipse
Pregnant women should stay at home and chant “Gopal Santan Mantra '' while all others should chant the mantra of their choice deities. Chanting Shri Maha Mrityunjaya mantra yields sound mental and physical health and relieves ongoing medical conditions.
The following activities should not be performed during the course of the eclipse
Best of Luck