The ninth and the tenth house tend to play an important role in one’s kundli. In a horoscope, the ninth house is the house of destiny and fortune whereas the tenth house relates to one’s career and social status. If the lords of the ninth and the tenth house occupy an auspicious house in a horoscope, it leads to the formation of Raj Yoga. Those who have Raj Yoga in their horoscope/kundli are blessed with a lot of wealth and fame and tend to acquire affluence like a king. Let us find out more about Raj Yoga and what leads to the formation of Raj Yoga in the case of various ascendants:
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Aries - If Mars and Jupiter are positioned in the ninth or the tenth house in a kundli then that becomes Raj Yoga karak- the cause for Aries ascendants.
Taurus - For Taurus ascendants, the presence of Venus and Saturn in the ninth or the tenth house leads to the formation of Raj Yoga. Saturn is Yoga Karak for this ascendant.
Gemini - Mercury and Saturn’s presence in the ninth or tenth house of the horoscope forms Raj Yoga.
Cancer - For Cancer ascendants, if Moon and Jupiter are there in the ninth or tenth house then that forms Trikon Raj Yoga. Jupiter and Moon are considered auspicious for Cancer ascendants.
Leo - The presence of Sun and Mars in the ninth or tenth house of the native’s horoscope forms Raj Yoga.
Virgo - For Virgo ascendants, the presence of Mercury and Venus in the ninth or tenth house constitutes Raj Yoga.
Libra - For Libra ascendants, the presence of Venus and Mercury in the ninth or tenth house of the horoscope lead to the formation of this yoga.
Scorpio - The presence of Sun and Mars in the ninth or the tenth house of a horoscope forms Raj Yoga for Scorpio ascendants. Another point to note here is that the presence of Mars and Moon in the ninth or tenth house is considered auspicious.
Sagittarius - For Sagittarius ascendants, Jupiter and Sun are considered Yoga Karaks for Raj Yoga. If both these planets are in the ninth or tenth house, it leads to the formation of Raj Yoga.
Capricorn - For Capricorn ascendants, the presence of Saturn and Mercury in the ninth or tenth house forms Raj Yoga.
Aquarius – When Venus and Saturn come together in the ninth or the tenth house of the horoscope, it leads to Raj Yoga.
Pisces - Jupiter and Mars’ presence in the ninth or the tenth house in a kundli forms Raj Yoga for Pisces ascendants.
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