The 2024 calendar for India is packed chock-a-block with the General Elections. India has already embarked on a crucial year full of ups and downs for all political parties ahead of the big elections in 2024. What lies ahead for the political parties? Will the 2024 elections in India be a game-changer? Astrology has the answers.
The General Elections and the time leading up to them are a time of great excitement and chaos as every political leader prepares to put up a tough fight. There's a thrill in the air until the results are out, as there's always a possibility of a turn in the tide.
2023 was the crucial year before the Lok Sabha elections, which are due in April-May 2024. No wonder certain political trends, preparations, and churnings are already underway. One can also anticipate more dramatic moves by major political parties and their key players to put their best foot forward before the final of the General Elections 2024.
With everyone preparing for the 2024 elections in India, it's natural to be curious about how things will fare! Well, lucky for you, astrology has some insights.
Let's dive in.
Aggressive planetary movements, favorable positions of planets, and significant current events happening in the country will lead to many notable events, aggression, and chaotic times at the General Elections 2024. In its Mool Trikona sign Aquarius, Saturn promises many significant and landmark outcomes, especially in politics, governance, foreign affairs, and enforcement-related areas.
According to astrology, the top five parties most likely to be emerging as the toughest contenders are BJP, Congress, AAP, Samajwadi Party, and the TRS.
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is another major political party in India. The Aam Aadmi Party is under the governance of Arvind Kejriwal. After analysis, we have seen that Arvind Kejriwal has a strong horoscope with an upcoming sub-period of Saturn around the mid of 2024.
This political party was formed and launched on 26th November 2012 by Arvind Kejriwal. According to the party's foundation horoscope, a period of exalted Lagna lord Saturn is going on. Saturn in transit also aspects the 4th house of the horoscope, which is the house of political seat and power. When calibrated with Arvind Kejriwal's horoscope, this shows that the party has a good chance to stay in power due to the activation of a strong Panch Mahapurush Yoga, called the Shasha Yoga. The party will continue to attain recognition and power because of this.
Also, at the time of election results, there will be another active Panch Mahapurush Yoga, called the Malavya Yoga. This shows that this party will also have a strong hold on the 2024 elections in India. There is a good chance that they will continue to rule in their existing territories due to the double effect of the two Panch Mahapurush Yogas formed by Saturn and Venus, and they will be giving good results at the same time.
The activation of many Kendras and Trikonas in horoscopes of the Aam Aadmi Party, Arvind Kejriwal, and Manish Sisodia, due to which the General Elections of 2024 promise them fairly good results and some successes.
For the Aam Aadmi Party, the role of Saturn in Aquarius will be evident in establishing fair and beneficial results when it comes to the governance mechanism and the masses. It is also a classic combination. In Kaal Purush Kundli, Saturn promises principally correct times, value-oriented thinking, and the clearing of long pending matters when it is in the Aquarius sign. This will also be seen in the case of India during the 2024 General Elections in India and the upcoming times.
Another promising political party in the 2024 General Elections in India is the Samajwadi Party. Mulayam Singh Yadav established the Samajwadi Party on 4th October 1992. Based on 4th October 1992, the foundation horoscope promises a strong time for alliances and an intense time for governing.
The party's president, Akhilesh Yadav, will also have a strong and beneficial time coming up astrologically, which promises him position and power. He will be going through a Major Period or Mahadasha of Venus just after March 2024. This Venus will be responsible for giving him strong authority and governance powers as it is a Trine lord for him. The upcoming times are also likely to bring him power. A Dharma Adhipati Yoga and Karma Adhipati Yoga will be activated for him, giving him strong and favorable times of ruling and power.
There are good chances that one will see the Samajwadi Party have a considerable hold in the 2024 elections in India. The Samajwadi Party could rule in their favorite areas. There is a likelihood that there might be a change in the Samajwadi Party's way of governance and execution, with a lot of focus on business development, swift communications, and government monetary schemes. There will also be a focus on people's welfare and securities, which will make the Samajwadi Party gain much more popularity and recognition in their regions.
Akhilesh Yadav will make solid decisions and alliances, as per what the celestial bodies depict. The stars show that the Samajwadi Party will give tough competition to the other strong contending parties. The party might also form alliances to secure a seat of governance.
Another party called the Bharat Rashtra Samithi, formerly Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS), has bright prospects as its leader, Kalvakuntla Chandrashekar Rao, has a strong possibility of giving tough competition to the rivals due to the presence of some strong Yogas of power.
The party was founded on 27th April 2001 by K. Chandrashekar Rao, and as the party's foundation horoscope indicates, an element of luck will support the party.
Also, in Kalvakuntla Chandrashekar Rao’s birth chart, a strong Jupiter's Major Period, or Mahadasha, is about to begin, promising him favorable times of strength, cooperative alliances, and strong recognition. This indicates that TRS is likely to give intense competition to its rivals and have a state of governance. They may have to get into some alliances and make some allies. It is likely that they will continue to maintain their popularity. Their policies on education and enforcement will be very instrumental for them during the 2024 elections in India.
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Founded on 28th December 1885, the Indian National Congress, popularly known as the Congress Party, is one of the dominant political parties in the country. When we closely examine the foundation horoscope of the Congress Party, Rahul Gandhi, and Priyanka Gandhi, something interesting can be seen in their charts. Their charts reveal the possibility of strong authority and power in the coming times.
The Congress Party and Rahul Gandhi have strong Raj Yogas of position, power, and recognition, which is getting active around the middle of 2024. BTW, you too can figure out if you have any Raj Yoga in your birth chart by consulting an expert astrologer on Astroyogi. Now, coming back to the Election 2024 predictions, this shows the Congress Party could give intense competition to its rivals and secure a strong opposition with a good amount of seats. There is a good possibility that they may continue to rule in their present ruling states in the South and Central parts of India, and they may enter into alliances as well. Astrological factors also hint that powerful alliances can be formed during this time, which will be successful and influential.
There are also chances of Rahul Gandhi going on many other short and long trips for party welfare.
There is also a good possibility that Priyanka Gandhi will be seen actively involved in politics and state affairs. It's a favorable time for her political career, mainly handling media and party communication.
During the 2024 General Elections in India, the most promising party and a force to be reckoned with will be BJP, as it is running multiple Raj Yogas.
This political party's inception was on 6th April 1980 in the Abhijit Muhurta, and it has now emerged as one of India's most influential political parties. The foundation horoscope of BJP has Gemini as its ascendant, and its lord Mercury is placed in the 9th house of management, luck, and the father. It is also receiving the aspect of Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn. This is the perfect situation for multiple Raj Yogas. The good news is that many of them are getting active after February 2024, which will grant the party multifold success, aggression, recognition, and power.
The Party leader, Narendra Modi, has a similar situation of Raj Yogas in his birth chart, which will also get activated around early 2024.
The only matter of concern in BJP and Narendra Modi's horoscope chart is the placement of some planets ensuring Raj Yoga in the Rahu-Ketu axis, which may cause a dilution of some benefic results. However, these planets are still in a higher result-giving state with respect to their rivals. BJP may have to face tough competition this time from its rival parties. Nevertheless, there are good chances that BJP can emerge victorious and form the government. But, the percentage of the majority may vary from what it was in 2019.
Another prominent political leader in BJP is Yogi Adityanath. Yogi Adityanath's birth chart shows that he has a Leo ascendant, and the lord Sun is present in the 10th house, which makes a strong Raj Yoga. In addition, his chart contains a number of other strong Raj Yogas. Some of the Raj Yogas are of the caliber that can promise him power around July 2026. Due to the conditions of the celestial bodies, he might enjoy a seat of high authority and extreme power around this time, which can include governance of essential matters related to the nation or on a national level. His strength and power will increase substantially in 2024, so much so that he could be a potential candidate for the coveted Prime Minister position.
The planetary positions for the top political parties according to their foundation horoscopes, calibrated with India's horoscope based on the time of independence, along with the party leaders' birth charts, indicate a very turbulent and competitive General Elections in 2024. One can expect tough competition between the political parties and new alliances. Moreover, one can anticipate not a clear-cut majority of the ruling party, as seen in the previous elections. All the ruling parties and their respective leaders will be going through the strongest period and most favorable times, indicating victory, but not the majority as we had seen in 2019. Thus, the 2024 elections in India will see the political leaders and their parties use every strategy and power move to get ahead of the competition.
As per India’s foundation horoscope, India will go through a Moon Mahadasha and Venus Antardasha in 2024. According to the horoscope of India, the ascendant rising is Taurus, and this period will be of the lord of the ascendant Venus, which is aspecting the 9th house. This indicates a new kind of governance and new growth perspectives with a focus on swift management. It is also likely that the present government will take it forward in an effective way, even in the new regime.
The astrological factors also indicate that during this term and from around late 2025 to early 2026, one can expect a new, young, and dynamic political leader with courage, strong religious values, and a high state of governance to be announced as a potential PM candidate and they can take the succession forward. There are good chances that this could be Yogi Adityanath, who may emerge as a strong potential PM candidate.
In the 2024 elections in India, BJP will get tough competition from the other contenders, and it will be an exciting tussle for power. The Congress will offer respectable opposition to BJP during the elections. 2024 will be a real challenge for all the political parties, and they will encounter tough competition due to many new strategies, alliances, and the emergence of new policy matters. The celestial bodies hint that the contesting parties are most likely to give close competition to each other and will eventually succeed in their respective goals only after bringing their A game.
With the 2024 elections in India getting nearer and nearer, there will be new breakthroughs, newer and swifter ways of communication, a lot of clarity in many areas, and fast-paced actions from the parties and their leaders, ultimately offering satisfaction to the masses. The entire country is waiting with bated breath to find out what the outcomes of the General Elections in 2024 will be like. We can expect newer kinds of financial policies related to foreign trade and massive development in the defense sector, with an overall country development for a more contemporary, better, and stronger global image of India.
What eventually transpires in the 2024 elections in India is something we will see once the outcomes are out, but until then, all of us must hope that the best contender wins and does wonders for the nation and us.
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