So, how can Tarot help you to find out which country will be best
1. For you to expand the business to?
2. For you to choose for your higher education
3. To shift to post marriage
4. To shift to work for and much more!
There is a thing called vibe & I know you would agree to that. Now Tarot would help to see :
1. Your vibe
2. The vibe of that particular country
3. Does the vibe of that particular country MATCH your vibe or not?
Further queries in Tarot are based on the answer to the 3rd point above. Here is further how it is diagnosed with the Tarot Cards.
Well for starters, here you might want to introduce the "Past Lives Tarot Deck"
The Past Lives Tarot Deck will give the Reader an idea of your association with the country in any previous lifetime - if any - was good, neutral or bad.
Now if it was bad, you know the answer to your basic question.
If the answer is neutral, you can still take a chance.
But if the answer is "good", then I would suggest going deeper to diagnose these three most important points :
1. will this country bring me fame
2. will this country bring me money
3. will this country bring me BOTH
Which answer of the above three, do you feel the Reader should guide you further to? That's right, the 3rd point. So what I say is that you should not only go to a country that is GOOD for you for fame or money, why not have BOTH!
This is a very quick way to explain the procedure of "Tarot for country identification". Hope this helped and wish you greater accuracy with your choices in life.
Tarot a GPS for life, well, because you are worth it!
Keep Smiling!
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