Here’s what the Universe has in store for all the 12 zodiac signs for August 2019. Read on to know about the Tarot Horoscope for this month.
This is just the right time to tap into your inner strength and confidence and look at where you would want to be in the next 3-5 years. Keep your options open. And just because things are moving as you want them to, doesn’t mean you should push your luck in an unreasonable manner. You will get the opportunity to make extra money but do exercise patience and perseverance.
Your loved one may seem to be enjoying dancing to your tunes, but do not keep manipulating him/her to move in your favor. Love is a two-way street. You don’t want the other to tire off your ‘games’!
The universe bows down time and again to your ‘stubborn’ efficiency in whatever you undertake and this month, you will get the much-deserved accolades for your work. You are in tune with yourself and with the times and so will get awarded accordingly. You do hesitate a lot before splurging on stuff, but now is the time to invest in that property you have been thinking about. No; don’t get into the ‘loan’ mode if you are not sure how you will pay the money back. You can, then, go for something smaller. How about buying a car?
Haven’t you yet made up your mind about your relationship? Although it is great to be practical about things, somehow where love is concerned, it is all about feelings. If you are still pondering about him/her, this relation may not be worth it. Move on.
Challenging month for you Gemini, but it’s ok because with you, ‘you’ve been there, done that’. No need to get fazed. You may have to decide between two career paths, and the best part is that whatever decision you take now will go in your favor. So, good for you! The downside is your finances this month. Curb your desire to overspend and think of ways to augment your income. Under no circumstances, choose the easier way out, by borrowing money.
Meanwhile, heal old wounds in a relationship and allow it to unfold in a gradual, peaceful manner. This is a good time to have your partner beside you as he/she will teach you in a gentle way to believe in yourself and love yourself.
All seems to be going well in the career zone for you. The working environment is pleasant and you are and respected by your colleagues. For the Crabs, who are a little confused about how to go about their work, an older male could offer you support and guidance. But where finances are concerned, you need to snap out of the comfort zone, where you have confidently placed yourself. Start keeping track of the money flowing out. Stop going overboard while pampering your loved ones and build up your cache as you may have to invest somewhere soon.
The committed Crabs do not need to prove a point to their loved one as theirs is a stable relationship. The singles could meet someone who does not need to be showered with gifts for an exciting relationship. So, save your money now.
The Lions can relax a little this month as all their hard work will be paying off. You will feel on top of the world when that much-deserved promotion is announced or a raise in your salary. Those in business will have a eureka moment which will help to improve their business further. And needless to say, the diligent Lions who were looking for work, could get a call this month.
A healthy and stable financial status will also invite good luck in your love life. Destiny will give you what you desire, on a platter. Relationships that were becoming difficult will improve and those who had thought Cupid’s arrow would never work on them again will meet someone who could end up being their soulmate.
Heading off for the hills after reading this? Go on. You deserve the break.
If you cannot handle the amount of money coming in this month, we won’t blame you! With a thriving business and more rewards coming in, you could be on cloud nine. Invest, purchase, get more assets, Just when you start feeling on the top of the world after reading this; here’s the spoke in the wheel. You need to be careful while planning how to invest the money. Do not make unnecessary purchases, or you could be broke in no time. ‘Easy come easy go’, ruins people. Enjoy the inheritance of money sensibly, that could be coming your way this month.
How about saving for a nest egg? After all, you do need to reflect and plan on long term goals in your relationship too.
Would you be open to branching out and starting something on your own now? This is a good time to seek a partner to start a company or apply for a loan to start a business. The universe is all set to lighten your load by sending some form of assistance. On the other hand, at your present workplace, if you want improvement, you need to divide labor and responsibility equally. If you are legally tangled in some dispute about money or property, chances are the balance will tip in your favor (provided you are right).
With love moving along nicely, it is a good month to express your feelings openly by proposing or making some sort of commitment.
Time to bring in a little discipline at your workplace. If there are people who are interfering too much in your work and making you feel powerless, learn to stand your ground. You are blessed with leadership qualities. Tap into it and let them get the message loud and clear that you know how to do your work! You understand the importance of respecting finances. This month, you should be doubly cautious about spending money as you could face some financial hardship.
Security in a love relationship will keep you emotionally stable and a sense of belonging in the family will take your mind away from any kind of despair.
With some connections, you can move into a more fulfilling job that will offer you more freedom and opportunities. And if you are still ‘stuck’ at the same place, rest assured that things will improve. Since you love to travel, your work profile may give you a chance to pack your bags and take off to a new destination. You will like that. Remember not to take your past baggage with you. You can do amazing things when you dream big. Have you thought of turning your talent into a business and making that an additional source of income? Think about it.
Your partner’s insensitivity could be making you feel lonely, rejected or misunderstood. Traveling or dipping into your talent could give you time to heal and maybe understand where things are going wrong.
Rarely does one see a Goat who is ready to throw in the towel? So, please don’t be disheartened if things are not going as planned. The need of the hour is to value your abilities, trust your hunches, improve your sense of self-worth and take that next step ahead. The seeds you have planted are growing. It needs time to bloom. Teamwork and a creative partnership would give a boost to your career now. Stop and look at ways that could make positive changes, ask and accept help when it is offered.
Is your frame of mind also destroying the peace in your love relationship? Remember, in order to enjoy a balanced relationship, fair play, honesty and consideration for your partner is of paramount importance.
Looks like you made a sound decision about your work and you are on the upswing now. Just the time to take advantage of the current situation and encash on the excellent omen. Work diligently and you will take home the rich harvest. Those on the lookout for a good job will have an excellent one literally falling in their lap. You may be surprised by some sudden money coming your way, which you had least expected.
The Aquarians who haven’t yet found their soulmate could meet a person whom they admire as they find them very interesting. It could be love. Try plucking off the petals one by one of a flower while asking, ‘He/she loves me, he/she loves me not’!! For those who are already hooked; the month is right for a second honeymoon.
If your career is challenging you, maybe it is time for a little introspection. Is your dreamy and artistic nature cut out for this job? Are you holding some illusions about your capabilities? Since this is not the time to quit, why don’t you try being more imaginative in your work? Do not wander aimlessly in the dark. Try being more expressive about your fears. There is a solution to most things. The same applies to the financial front too. If there is a financial crunch, turning your back to it will not sort the problem.
Even the relationship which you are being doubtful about could actually be the right one. Just give it time and allow it to unfold in a gradual manner. Your partner could be taking the time to understand your introvert nature.
Tarot Horoscope for May 2019 | Tarot Horoscope for June 2019 | Tarot Horoscope for July 2019 | Tarot Horoscope for September 2019
To know more about yourself personally, consult Tarot Reader, Poonam Beotra, now on Astroyogi.