“A very happy new year.” 2021 is the year of new beginnings and opportunities. Meditation is like medication for peace and harmony. All prayers to God will be answered. This month can expect a complete change in your life or lifestyle, a crossing over from one mode of existence to another. It also represents the end of close associations, either because you move on or others do. Completion, perfection, synthesis, ultimate change. Honesty and truth; assured success, harmony, attainment. Graduation; completion of the cycle. Recognition, reward, acclaim.
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Your intuitions will lead you towards positivity. Your sixth sense becomes strong. A high priestess with a suit of pentacles suggests materialistic gains. Higher authorities will appreciate your talents and services.
All investments will give good returns. It could be stocks or properties etc. Finances and emotional life is balanced. Those who are looking for a life partner or relationships. Nine of cups suggest that all your wishes be granted by God very soon.
March is the month of reuniting, especially with your families. TEN OF CUPS is an emotional family card, where all family members will support you, and you will be in your well-being in your health and wealth.
Like the king of wands and queen of wands, two court cards purely indicate a new beginning with good harvest means if you are planning a job, business or relationship. It will be great for your future.
The balance of emotional, spiritual, and psychological self will always be there. All that is needed is to open one’s mind to a word of wisdom.
Seven of cups portrays a spiritual transition. You really need to acknowledge what you want and decide how to achieve the same.
March is the month of being very careful on your finances, theft, or hidden enemies. Also, PAGE OF SWORDS suggests some person younger than you on your career front will bring loads of new opportunities.
There are no chances of indulging in dreaming in a relationship other than any practical efforts to make the dreams a reality.
FOUR OF CUPS is the card of new opportunities and new beginnings. It is an excellent time to learn new things and meet new people.
Also, it would help if you looked at your finances. One might be stuck up in owns web of expenses.
PACK OF SWORDS in reading also suggests stress, workload, or a hardworking month with a wonderful outcome.
For Cancerians, it will be an emotional month. Relationships will become strong. Some emotions will also be drained. Old relationships will get over. Some new relationships will become strong.
Some good news will arrive and start giving results. All hard work done till now will start delivering results.
Temperance and strength together in reading will suggest balancing yourself with your emotions and finances. Patience for better results and opportunities. Also, lots of meditation is required in March.
Spiritual gains and blessings from God this month. Pray to God with a full heart. God will answer your prayer.
Leos are very confident, people with leadership qualities and loving nature. March month brings lots of stability in finances and emotions.
All new opportunities will come. A suggestion to accept the new proposal, it will be very prosperous and growing.
All Leos will be in a very auspicious time with family and loved ones. It’s the best time to buy properties or make big investments. Good returns will come from past investments. Money flow will be in abundance.
Four of wands and empress is an immense combination of love, faith, prosperity, sincerity, abundance.
The blessed month with healings, meditation, chanting mantras, and counting your blessings.
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March is the month of contentment, affirmation, stability, and happiness in the form of finances for all Virgos.
New beginnings with new probabilities. You will approach happiness and affirmations.
Wands in suit of pack indicate a balanced relationship. Love relationships are blooming towards togetherness.
Feeling of happiness. Love from children and excellent quality time with your beautiful families.
Strength in the card suggests you should work hard for your dreams. God will bless you for all your efforts in life. Spiritually it’s the month of healings and meditations.
An excellent month for socializing, enjoying, and exploring new possibilities in life. Very good time for investments. Stuck up money will flow into your life.
March is the month for LIBRANS. It is a beautiful month for growth and harmony.
The departure of worries and negative energies. All past issues and problems will vanish.
Resolutions will grow, and investments will start giving returns. Good time for money inflow.
A perfect month for emotional and good bonding in friendship, relationship, society, and family.
Sun card in a reading represents happiness, growth, prosperity, harmony, stability, money, and peace.
Cups card in a reading represents romantic involvement with someone who will be passionate. It also indicates the union of two entities-people, groups, ideas, or talents.
This partnership could be in a relationship or business between two friends or colleagues. Personal reading friendship can turn into a committed relationship. Therefore, there could be peace and harmony either in professional or personal life.
In this month, Scorpions will achieve success in their professional life. They might have to make a big and small decision based on their understanding.
Every decision you have to with its pros and cons. It could be you have to make some immediate and spontaneous decisions.
At the end of the month, they would feel very relaxed and happy. King of cups, emotionally, they will feel balanced. There could be some new opportunities also. Professionally and personally, you will feel more balanced this month after some major decisions.
Every change also brings a lot of happiness to the environment around you. There would be a feeling of balanced emotions, happiness, and changes at the same time.
Scorpions should handle every situation with the finest way of possibility.
For Sagittarians, it’s a beautiful month to accomplish all wishes. March is the month of positivity, affection, love, and warmth.
Finances will increase, those working will have promotions. Those who are in business will grow to their heights.
Relationships will become strong with your family, children, and those who are romantically involved will get engaged or married.
God grants all wishes. Also, all Sagittarians will have to work hard to achieve all desired goals.
Pentacles and cups together in reading also suggest good emotional bonding with society, friends, and family.
Also, March is the month of prosperity and happiness.
For Capricorns, it’s the month of new beginnings and new opportunities.
Also, this is a month of transition. Significant changes or big decisions of life like a new job or new business will surely take place.
Also, accepting or pursuing new opportunities would be a great decision. It will bring love, happiness, prosperity, and finances.
Also, a good news card. Capricorns will hear something new and blooming. Happiness will be in the air.
The money would be abundant. Affirmation and execution in the right direction. Moving ahead in life towards growth and love.
An emotional connection with your higher authorities will be very strong. Those in the job will have increments and promotions. Higher positions are awaited.
New beginnings and new opportunities are bringing lots of growth in life. Those seeking alliance for marriage will surely get fixed up or enter into a commitment.
Emotional growth towards your work and passion will give Aquarians excellent returns.
Queen of swords in the reading, all Aquarians will be very efficient in their work. All Aquarians will be very efficient in their work. Aquarians will become very calculative in their thought process.
Destiny brings love, clarity, harmony, and stability in relationships and finances.
Hermit is the card of curiosity, research; hence all Aquarians in March will do lots of research work on their careers and professional lives.
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It is a very institutive month in decision making. Especially some big decisions of life. Like a new job or new business.
The combination of court cards with the High Priestess also suggests secretive relationships will reveal to society or your family.
Money inflow will be in abundance. Working hard in work will surely happen in March.
Commitment in a relationship, work, and friendship. Everyone will lead towards new projects which will happen by some outside influence and cooperation,
In March, all will have to make certain efforts for a successful business. Surely you will get success with time and cooperation only. Efforts will be needed to make all ventures successful. Court cards this month suggest power, strength, and stability in work. Lady luck will help in doing new collaborations.