A new month is a time to begin anew and realize your true strengths and potential! Are you curious to know what this means for you? Then this Tarot monthly horoscope prediction is just for you. Keep scrolling down to know what March will be like for you.
March, the third month of the Gregorian calendar, is signified by Jupiter or Guru in Numerology and Vedic astrology. This is because the number 3 stands for the planet Jupiter. Jupiter gives us wisdom, knowledge, patience, and intellect and helps us grow and transform. It blesses us with suitable lessons so that we may lead our day-to-day lives more smoothly and convert our challenges into growth. If the Jupiter in your horoscope or natal chart is strong, everything in life will get taken care of. The best thing about Jupiter is that even when it is not in our favor, the role of Jupiter is mainly positive in our lives.
Hence this month will be ideal for improving your life and shifting your energies towards the higher realms through various ways, such as introspection, meditation, implementing positive changes, etc.
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In this article, you will find unique remedies as per the planet’s energies. These remedies will be beneficial for you. Here, you will find different ancient scriptures for each zodiac sign to read. Reading these scriptures can turn into a daily practice that will keep you grounded. Staying close and always connected to our old Vedas and Puranas can give us immense healing and divine blessings.
Now, let's see what is in store for each zodiac sign.
Focus on your long-term goals and create a vision if you have not already. Your goal plan must have short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals with strategies and action plans for achieving them. Short-term and mid-term goal achievement is your mastery; however, the Tarot cards show that the long-term goals will require you to seek mentoring and hand-holding. As per the Tarot Aries horoscope, this is also when you will invest hugely in your body and health, both in terms of time and money. This will be excellent for you as health is wealth; once the body reaches its proper state, everything else will become easily achievable. Get to know more about the Aries sign here.
Remedy- Read the Vishnu Purana. Reading a few pages daily will give you many learnings on how to conduct your life on a day-to-day basis.
Body grooming and personality development are words you will be surrounded with this month. You might enroll in some image-building courses. You will be the apple of your boss’s eye at work, and the management will appreciate your hard work and result-oriented approach. According to the Tarot Taurus horoscope, your family will express much love and pamper you with all their attention and care. They will constantly surprise you with things and situations that you like and enjoy. You will reciprocate them wholeheartedly. Get to know more about the Taurus sign here.
Remedy- Read the Skanda Purana. This scripture will offer you deep-rooted healing and Lord Shiva's blessings.
Love is in the air, and you will get a lot of attention from the opposite gender wherever you go. This will be natural, organic, and effortless. You will win over hearts with your style and charisma and have a charismatic personality this time of the year. This might also give rise to some insecurities in your seniors at the workplace, as they might also be jealous of you. According to the Tarot Gemini horoscope, this can be a tricky situation to be in as you have to work with them and at the same time be in their good books as well. Patience and diplomacy will be key in such a situation. Get to know more about the Gemini sign here.
Remedy- Reading the Garuda Purana daily will give you success, fame, luck, and good health.
As per the Tarot Cancer horoscope, there is a lot of competition on the professional front; many are setting their targets as per your performance. When it comes to your workplace, you have already raised the bar and increased the performance standards; all your colleagues are trying to achieve those. However, this, in turn, would call for and even create huge pressure on you to outperform your own previous performance. You will be breaking your own records to create new ones. This will be excellent for you as you remain the trendsetter and leader in your domain and field of work. And you will keep creating and achieving new milestones. Get to know more about the Cancer sign here.
Remedy- Read the Brahma Purana, as it will give your life the necessary balance and harmony.
As per the Tarot Leo horoscope, overthinking and overanalyzing should be avoided right now. You must learn how to ignore small things once in a while for the sake of the bigger picture and a more peaceful life. Reasoning and analytical skills are critical, but only to a certain level, as after that, it leads to sleepless nights and fault-finding in everything. We are humans and prone to make mistakes, so flaws are normal. Acceptance at both levels, i.e., accepting our own imperfections and others' shortcomings, is important. Get to know more about the Leo sign here.
Remedy- Reading Matsya Purana is the best remedy for you as it can offer you the necessary grounding.
Parents' health might be a cause of worry, especially your mother's health. It could be a re-appearance of an old health issue. Take care of her regular medication and book her for a health check-up if it has been pending for a long time. As indicated by the Tarot Virgo horoscope, people in business might get to travel overseas and close new deals, which will give them huge financial benefits in the long term. Employed Virgos might feel some stagnation in their jobs and feel stuck; hence, they will have a strong urge to look for a job change. Overseas travel will bring you good luck. Get to know more about the Virgo sign here.
Remedy- The Padma Purana is the answer to all your problems, so it must be read and followed!
Time to go out to get some fresh air and let your lungs breathe! You have worked very hard, and now there might be some early signs of burnout, which is unhealthy, as indicated by the Tarot Libra horoscope. So you must promptly identify the red flags and take corrective actions. Plan and schedule a break just like how you like it. Hand over the necessary tasks to someone else to take care of them in your absence and plan your sabbatical so that once you return energized, your work hasn't gotten hampered, and there is no extra work pressure or regret. Get to know more about the Libra sign here.
Remedy- Read Devi Bhagavata Purana, also known as Devi Bhagavatam. By doing this, you will get powerful protection, and no harm can ever touch you.
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You need to find peace because, as of now, a few questions have been disturbing you. You have been on a mission to find answers to some deep questions in your personal life but are unable to get the answers. This has been the reason why you are feeling lost and even frustrated. Now, you must shed your unnecessary past baggage, clear your energy and aura and move forward for the best. Unresolved personal life issues will also start impacting professional lives sooner or later, as indicated by the Tarot Scorpio horoscope, so the wise thing is to keep that from happening and fix your personal life as soon as possible. Get to know more about the Scorpio sign here.
Remedy- Read the Kurma Purana, as it will bless you with linear growth and stability in life.
According to the Tarot Sagittarius horoscope, children might cause you some stress this month. It could be a complaint from their schools or universities or a minor injury while playing. So just be watchful and careful. No need to stress out; just taking proactive steps will be enough. Professional life will be pretty sorted and balanced; once in a while, you might have to face some challenges, which you would be able to handle pretty well with the help of your intellect and experience of the game. Overall you will be able to take care of your responsibilities quite well. Get to know more about the Sagittarius sign here.
Remedy- Reading Vayu Purana will greatly benefit you. It will help in balancing and streamlining the energy of the children.
As per the Tarot Capricorn horoscope, your siblings will be taking a lot of your time this month. This can even include your cousins from the extended family. This could be because they need career guidance from you or they want to spend time with you. The Tarot cards show heavy interactions with younger brothers and sisters. Your uncles and aunts can steal some more of your time, and you might find it difficult to say no to anyone as you will be already hard-pressed for time due to your professional commitments. So just be yourself and focus on yourself! Get to know more about the Capricorn sign here.
Remedy- Read the Markandeya Purana. It will bring you immense contentment and joy.
You will be experiencing new things in life, which can also be a little overwhelming. This could be intense spiritual experiences during meditation, or it could be visions or dreams if you are a clairvoyant. Initially, you might find it different and confusing; however, the feeling will soon settle in. It would be a good idea to consult an expert and seek guidance to intensify this. As per the Tarot Aquarius horoscope, your professional life can also get demanding right now, which might require you to work extra hours to complete your assignments. Just go with the flow! Get to know more about the Aquarius sign here.
Remedy- Read Agni Purana, as it will cause the quick manifestation of your desires and immediate changes in your life.
Avoid fights and arguments with your spouse or partner; let them win in an argument. Remember, it's alright to lose in a fight and keep the relationship thriving as the latter is more important and of higher consequence. This does not mean you take a hit on your confidence or self-respect. All it means is to refrain from reacting; instead, you demonstrate maturity and resilience. Your work-life will be balanced and bring you benefits. Neighbors will appreciate you and how you conduct yourself socially. Tarot cards show that your social image will improve for good. So, enjoy the good times! Get to know more about the Pisces sign here.
Remedy- Read Linga Purana, as doing so will certainly get you Lord Shiva’s blessings.
Note- Remember, these are generalized predictions only. For in-depth and comprehensive individual Tarot predictions for March 2023, along with some powerful remedies, call or chat with Tarot Pooja on Astroyogi.