Virgo is a very practical zodiac sign and is known for being fair. Manipulation is not their cup of tea. They avoid tense situations and run a mile from anything violent. They are averse to hypocrisy. Their quiet determination helps them succeed in life. Their quest for perfection and inability to ignore even the smallest of faults generally proves good. They benefit from their hard working ways. It's the intellect that impresses Virgo. Find out what astrologers at Astroyogi.com predict for Virgo in terms of love and life partners!
Aries and Virgo: As a love match, these two signs do not blend well. The Virgo nature is too careful and fault-finding to please Aries. Where Virgo will be logical and analytical, Aries will become too impatient with Virgo's constant bickering. Many a times, a relationship between these two signs does work out but then it is not an easy path to tread. Aries' controlling ways may wreak havoc in Virgo's orderly world.
Taurus and Virgo: Taurus should sense the awkwardness of Virgo if love at first sight is to be avoided. Taurus will not get his way here. Taureans don't like to be criticised, whereas criticism happens to be the sharpest weapon that the sign of Virgo makes use of. Both being earth signs, there will be much common ground for these two. Both Taurus and Virgo desire material success and security above all else, and on this count, they are compatible.
Gemini and Virgo: For continual bliss, this Gemini-Virgo combination may prove to be too difficult. With Mercury ruling both signs, it may not be easy for both to cope with each other. There are far too many differences to find common ground. In relation to Gemini, Mercury is calculating and logical. As far as Virgo goes, the very same planet is critical and demanding. Gemini's ever-present desire for change would also not be taken too kindly by the practical Virgo.
Cancer and Virgo: Virgo's demands may be a bit too much for the usually peaceful and quiet Cancerian. Cancer is sentimental and even shy at times and this can be very frustrating for Virgo. Once Cancer goes into their shell, all the tongue lashing and nagging of Virgo will not prove ineffective. While they will appreciate each other's good qualities, it will not be enough to experience the love of a lifetime.
Leo and Virgo: Here is a good chance for a happy partnership. Leo knows Virgo is critical but they will overlook this quality and will focus on all the good qualities Virgo is blessed with. Virgo is drawn to Leo's accomplishments and leadership abilities. If Virgo lets Leo take the central place in the household, this will prove to be a great match.
Virgo and Virgo: Finding compatibility would be hard for a Virgo with Virgo combination. Though some can make it work, this is a difficult combination at times because both partners are too strong to compromise and adjust. They understand each other a little too well and may use the weapon of criticism to their advantage at all times. Harmony will be disrupted and love may not be the long term kind for these two once passion wears off.
Libra and Virgo: This is yet another combination that may not be for the long run. A Libra cannot stand constant censure and criticism. And we know by now that Virgo is great at fault finding. In addition, Virgo is also a fussy and methodical kind of person who is very particular about the minutest details. Libra's casual and easygoing nature may find Virgo overbearing. Conflict of ideas may create trouble between these two.
Scorpio and Virgo: The Scorpio-Virgo combination is all about mutual admiration. The Virgo mind is much fascinated by the mysterious and intriguing ways of Scorpio. Scorpio will be great at curbing Virgo's tendency to sulk. Virgo respects Scorpio's ability to analyse situations deeply. If Virgo can avoid hurting Scorpio's pride and ego, this combination will be a blissful one. But the only problem here is on the emotional side. Scorpio thrives on emotions, whereas Virgo virtually suppresses them.
Sagittarius and Virgo: The Sagittarian love of adventure, freedom and change may prove too much for Virgo. There's one thing Sagittarius does not like is constant bickering, and as we know by now, a Virgo will always find plenty to bicker about. They are opposites but not the kind that attracts. Virgo has her eye ever on the present, and what needs to be done today, whereas Sagittarius keeps his eye on the future and what he would like to do tomorrow. In love, they will find it difficult to withstand major problems.
Capricorn and Virgo: As far as these two signs are concerned, there is some similarity of views and they will form a compatible match. They are both very meticulous people. This prevents many unnecessary areas of differences and disagreements from cropping up. Both Capricorn and Virgo take great pride in their own appearances as well as the state of their surroundings. They can also find a friend in each other whenever the outside world seems too hostile or indifferent. Here are two earth signs that will find complimentary values in each other.
Aquarius and Virgo: Aquarius may be a little too eccentric for the conservative Virgo to cope with. Also, this is a difficult combination in terms of marriageIf there is a marked difference in backgrounds between the two, the chances for a happy and enduring marriage are almost zero. But if both happen to be college sweethearts or if they do the same sort of work, chances of a happy marriage would be greatly increased. There is no middle path with this combination. The relationship is either very good or very bad.
Pisces and Virgo: Pisces is the very opposite of Virgo and they will find attraction. This may be because contrast generates interest and, in the case of Virgo and Pisces, the contrast is very marked. It will take a great deal of patience and understanding on the part of Virgo to cope with the moody, sentimental Pisces over a longer period of time. If Virgo can display more emotions, however, it will go a long way in making this partnership a happy one. They will be deeply connected in many ways.