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Reactivated your queue !
You are reactivated in the queue of Astro Shyam Sundar Tripathi and your queue no will be prioritized so that you get an earlier turn.
Exit Queue !
Are you sure you want to exit queue for Astro Shyam Sundar Tripathi
Consult Our Popular Astrologers
While you exit the queue for Astro Shyam Sundar Tripathi, you may join the queue of the popular astrologers.
Pause Queue?
Pausing your queue stops new chats or calls until you resume.
Your queue number keeps moving while paused, reducing your wait time.
You can't pause in the Express pass queue. If you miss your consultation in the express queue, you'll get a refund of the express pass/es. When you activate, you can use them to upgrade your queue to the express queue.
Things to know
1. To remain active in the queue, ensure you have sufficient wallet balance for the astrologer and are not in a hold state.
2. If you miss your call/chat, your queue number will continue progressing and wait time will decrease. You can initiate the chat/call whenever you're ready.
3. Your queue position and wait time may be affected by the following:
(a) Astrologer going offline
(b) User ahead of you leaving the queue
(c) User ahead of you missing the chat/call
(d) User ahead of you recharging or resuming the queue
(e) User ahead of you, who missed the call/chat, reactivating
(f) If you have applied for an E-Pass and miss your turn due to low balance, being on hold, or missing the call/chat, your E-Pass will be returned. You will be placed in the normal queue and can later recharge/resume and apply the E-Pass again.
Insufficient Balance
Minimum wallet balance required to consult with Astrologer Name is ₹ 50.00. Please recharge your wallet
You have successfully joined the queue of
Aacharya Sagun
Now you can join queue with multiple astrologers.
Sorry, not able to join queue now
You have not joined the queue yet, Please try again later.