Having kids is one of the most beautiful experiences of life. However, there are times when these little angels can be quite hard to deal with. Here are a few astrological reasons and ideas from AstroYogi to help you deal with them better.
Aries children can be difficult to handle due to their ability to take no for an answer. Their innovative and imaginative mind does not easily understand why a thing cannot be done or why an idea cannot be executed. Try to show them the logical and practical side of a situation and make them understand that everything cannot be done as they like and want. They have to follow rules.
Taurean children are angels; happy in their peaceful home. The only challenging part here is that they are very stubborn, especially for change. Changing is just not their forte. If you want to make them do something, you must put it across their ears well in advance.
The tough part with these kids is that they are very inconsistent. This becomes a challenge for parents as this inconsistency comes out in the form of varying demands. They want one thing today and another tomorrow and something totally different the day after. Making them realize what really matters and what's really good for them will help them have control over this trait.
Cancerian kids are quite balanced emotionally. The unbalanced mood swings can be a pain, though. When facing such a problem just walk up to your kid, tell them that everything's fine, and that such behaviour is uncalled for. Just by teaching them the ability to overpower their strange mood swings by simple logic, will be the best thing you can possibly do.
This kid is a big affair! Their bossy attitude and hasty judgments can get you and them, both into trouble. Focus on teaching them, that people are not obliged to do as they say and the only way to get through peacefully is to listen and talk. Also a second thought over their decisions is important; let them know this.
These kids have a curious mind. They wish to get into the detail of everything. What, when and how, these will be the most common words on their lips. This urge to know everything may get out of proportion if not dealt with in advance. They may end up giving in too much time for something not so important for them. Let these kids know that they must prioritize what's important and what's not. This way they'll learn how to manage and invest their time.
Libran kids are usually at peace. They love socializing and are born with a balanced thought process. The only trait which will need your attention is their habit of refraining from voicing their inconvenience. You will have to teach them to raise their voice when required instead of suffering for the harmony of others.
These kids are highly secretive and are attracted to power. They need strict guidance but the only path to keep them disciplined is to treat them like an equal and talk. Trying to impose or force this child to follow instructions will only worsen the situation.
Sagittarians are a completely awesome package. Positive, friendly, happy and energetic; these kids are a combination of all. Along with that, they are also outspoken and if not controlled they manage to bag quite a few awkward situations. Try to make your child realize that it is very important to THINK before speaking. Once they have control over this, these kids have a long way to go.
Capricorn kids are very hardworking and sensible. There aren't a lot of troubles which you'll have to face in bringing up this kid. The only thing you'll have to take a note of is that Capricorns, right from their childhood, feel the need to get respect. Instead of ordering them to follow the rules, take up a polite discussion. This will be easy for you and easier for them.
If your child is an Aquarian, the only problem you'll be dealing with is their craving for freedom. Where on one hand, it's a good thing, on the other it needs to be kept well under control. This need for freedom can in no time lead your little one to break rules and just do their thing. Taking the harsh or strict path to explain your point might not be the right choice for this kid. Talk to them and make them realize that freedom comes with responsibility.
A Piscean's sensitivity and introvert nature can be a challenge for parents. It may be difficult to see your child staying aloof and getting bothered by the smallest of actions. Try to make this one emotionally stronger; tell them the techniques to not let anybody get to their heart so easily. Once emotionally stable, this kid will definitely enjoy making new friends.
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