Getting a guy’s attention is kind of easy, isn’t it? Well, no. It isn’t. Ask those ladies who’ve been struggling to please their prince charming! Sometimes getting your guy’s attention can be a tedious task. A glimpse into the astrology rules might find you the path to his heart! AstroYogi astrologers have compiled a guide to help you know how to reach for his attention.
An Aries man is highly competitive. Seeing you flirt with a colleague will definitely put wheels on his shoes. He’ll take up a fight for that special seat again. Just make sure not to drag it too long because he loves to win too, so, let him have it!
In order to catch your Taurean man’s attention, look your best. This guy is highly impressed with ladies who are particular about their looks and dressing. Grab his attention just by paying some attention to yourself!
Gemini men are very intelligent. The first thing to do, to grab his attention instantly is, talk smart. Give him a good doze of your intelligence, that’ll get his eyes set on you. Also, exhibit your fun and exciting side to keep him hooked on to you!
This sensitive and caring guy is all about family and work. No matter what, this is just what his world revolves around. Pop up a conversation about his mother’s cooking skills, or his father’s gardening skills, and in no time, you’ll have the guy engaged in non-stop conversations with you!
A Leo man has inborn leadership qualities. He likes to be the one to lead. Let him know how much you depend on him, he’ll just love that importance. These guys also like being praised. A little appreciation won’t do any harm, will it?
The well behaved Virgo man can’t get his eyes off a classy well spoken woman, exhibiting etiquettes. There you go; the secret is in your pocket. Don’t behave cheaply, don’t swear, don’t get all messed up and this guy will in no time be all yours.
The soft spoken Libran man tends to stay away from loud and aggressive ladies. In order to draw his attention towards you, show him your friendly, happy and social side. A little flirting will also tie him to you pretty well!
Scorpio is the most intense and passionate signs of all. Knowing how you can grab this one’s attention is the toughest of all. However, knowing how to be mysterious and interesting helps and that is where you need to work. Give him some signals to meet you at the terrace, exchange a few sexy gestures. That’ll be enough to get him following you.
Sagittarian men love challenges, so why not be their most beautiful challenge? In order to get his attention throw some friendly gestures at him, but give him a challenge on getting to you. This will give him a push towards you for sure.
A Capricorn man is very serious about relationships. He doesn’t take it easy, he doesn’t go for one night stands and he doesn’t believe in casual dating either. This guy is a serious thing. To get his attention, you must express your serious side to him. A modest, truthful and genuine girl will for sure have all the time and attention of this guy!
Aquarians are instantly attracted to people who stand out of the crowd. So why not use this trick to get to him? Each one of us has some uniqueness; to get his attention, give him a glance of it, and let him know you’re different. He’ll adore you for it, forget attention!
Just by the right flirting tricks, you can get this guy under your spell. A born romantic, this Piscean guy just needs to see your loving side.