Aacharya Nanak Dhawan gives you an insight into your future with 2016 yearly predictions. Read on to know what is in store for you...
You start the year on a positive note; deals regarding properties can turn out to be profitable and relationship problems will be solved. But you need to take care of any extra expenditure that may leave a dent on your savings after August 2016. Be careful with financial transactions. Problems related to education may arise after August and you need to take care that you do things according to your mental and physical capacity or else there may arise some health issues. You need to take care of your mother’s health, address any health issues with a lot of promptness. There may be some legal cases; try and solve any legal issues with a lot of tact and diplomacy verbally. Remain careful of people who do not hold your best interest in mind and stay away from negative energies. However, this will be a good time for farmers. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to Acharya Nanak Dhawan from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
This year enemies can create new problems for you and to add to this you may suffer from low levels of confidence. Long journeys or any work related trips may prove to be favourable for you. There may be some family problems in your life. You may be getting depressed due to some bad news doing the rounds in your family. Tough times in married life are indicated, however this is a good time to pursue any religious interest. Take care of your father’s health. Farmers can look forward to an eventful time. After August professionals can change your job or can start your own business. Won’t be an easy start for students but things will get better after August. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to Acharya Nanak Dhawan from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
2016 may not be a great year for your health as new health issues are likely going to remain a concern for you. You may be even concerned about your mother’s health. Some of you may consider buying a new house or you can invest in land this year. If you have children this may not be a favourable time. At home, try to avoid any argument in family especially with women. At work, you can expect a promotion and it likely that your father will get promotion or be successful in acquiring new business. Tension will subside after some positive news although important work can get delayed due to some small reasons; problems in friends can be arising. In first six months you may be busy in some kind of religious work or you can embark on some pilgrimage. On the other hand, students may come across some lucrative opportunities this year in terms of education. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to Acharya Nanak Dhawan from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
You need to put on your travelling shoes this year as trips are likely. October and November will be good time for travelling. Good time for earning money, you can purchase new land or property in this year. This is a favorable time for you to save money. Professional life will be quite fulfilling this year. You will be successful in implementing any of your plans in action now. This may make you a recipient of a lot of accolades and appreciation due to your impressive skills. On the domestic side, conflicts with mother and your siblings will arise. Neighbors may create some problems. Any domestic problem can only be sorted out after September this year. If you are waiting for a child then this may be your lucky year. Do not take unnecessary tensions as things will resolve if you allow it some time. You will win over your enemies. Confidence will be high this year. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to Acharya Nanak Dhawan from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
This year will be good for self-respect and also, a favorable time for romance and marriage. This will be a prosperous year for your family; don’t indulge in any useless arguments with anybody as problems may be created by neighbors or your sub ordinates. If you are expecting a child this year your wishes may get fulfilled. But your mother’s health may remain a reason of concern for you. Be careful of any burglary in your house. At work, it’s the time for you to show your leadership skills. There will be an increase in your earning by your profession. However, transfer or change in job is likely after July 2016. But do not be overconfident in anything that you do or else this may turn out to be bad for you. This is good year for your education as you may achieve something high in your education. You may start learning some occult science this year. Try to use words wisely because words spoken without care may cause problems to you. You may enjoy good health as any old nagging health issues will likely subside. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to Acharya Nanak Dhawan from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
There will be some health issue till August this year, however towards the end of July you will enjoy good health. But father’s health may continue to worry you. Some new tensions will arise due to some useless thoughts, try to avoid that. Important work may make you stressed and all worked up which can cause health problems. Transfer or promotion according to your wish can be possible. Some false allegations in professional life are likely, so stay cautious of people who do not hold your best interest. New sources of income are likely. Investing in the share market before August may prove to be beneficial for you. Any pending legal matters are likely to be in your favor this year. Some challenging times regarding your siblings are indicated around September and October. Some problems may arise in your married life too, make sure to be careful and do your best to avoid any of these problems. Try to take advice before doing something new, or you may end up regretting about it later. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to Acharya Nanak Dhawan from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
Married couples will enjoy pure conjugal bliss and good news from the family is likely. For those in a relationship, your wishes of tying the knot may finally be granted. However, heartbreaks are also indicated. Work will take you places and you may need to travel quite a lot this year. But this may help you broaden your career horizons. Working according to your plans will bring you fruitful results. Professional life may get a little challenging after October. You need to remain prepared to face some ups and downs in your career and education related matters whatsoever. Health issues may arise due to seasonal changes leaving a dent in your savings. Try to control your emotions because your emotions can create problems for you. October, November and December may be quite a challenging time for you. Never disclose your plans to your friends or to your colleges. In case of any legal matters, this is a good time to sort things out. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to Acharya Nanak Dhawan from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
On the professional front, problems with your boss are very likely. This year is also not favorable for commencement of new business as it may lead to financial loss, so try to avoid that. Earnings will increase only after September; do not try to take lead things this year as it may not turn out to be lucky for you. You may utilize this time by investing in properties or buying new assets. Travelling is on the cards this year around June or July. This is a good time for education. Good time for your personal life, marriage is indicated for you. You will meet some of your old friends who are not in contact with you. Your family will be supportive in all your endeavors. Health will be in ups and down. Problems related with land will be sorted out this year. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to Acharya Nanak Dhawan from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
You can manage your problems with your tact and diplomacy easily this year. Marriage is on the cards for some of you. You will be able to leave a lasting impression on your seniors this year and that will help you enhance your professional life. You will achieve new goals this year and those who are looking for job changes can expect positive news. Professional life will present with a plethora of opportunities in life. Additional expenditures are indicated so try to avoid that although new sources of income are on the rise. Money lent to someone will not be repaid immediately so be careful before doing so. Journey to some holy places are also likely. Overall, luck will be on your favor this year. You will gain confidence but try not to be over confident and people around you will appreciate you. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to Acharya Nanak Dhawan from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
Luck will favor you this year and you will excel in different fields. Education will be good and you will be in the pink of your health. Undertake any new project or tasks with the advice of someone experienced and good things will happen to you. Your professional life will be right on track. As for those who are self-employed, don’t invest in large amounts in any new business venture but share market investments will favor you. You may also gain through family inheritance and this will provide stability in your finances but keep a tab on your expenses. There is a chance of getting into an accident this year so be extra careful. Avoid fast decisions; problems related with land will rise this year. Avoid arguments with others or your word may be used against you. Take care of your mother’s health. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to Acharya Nanak Dhawan from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
Professional life will be settled this year as seniors will favor you. Take decision wisely and use your words carefully. If you want a change in job or want to start new business then take your decisions wisely. Married life will be good this year. If planning for second marriage then this will also be a good time to get lucky the second time. Foreign journey is indicated this year. You will get some unexpected news or result in this year which will be positive and profitable for you. You will be famous by your laborious nature and cooperation with others. However, farmers may experience challenging times ahead. Change of place will be there due to education. Consider concentrating on plans already made instead of making new ones. Time around May and June may again prove to be a little challenging for you. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to Acharya Nanak Dhawan from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
Even though romance may be in the air, there will problems in your marital life. Problems related to children and family members may increase. Businesspersons need to refrain from investing in share market as it could lead to financial loss. But you can go ahead with fresh business expansion plans. Professionally, you will experience a gratifying time until June and then you need to struggle to work your way up. The time between June and July will generally be a little challenging for you. You need to work extra hard professionally. Avoid lending money to others or you may land yourself in trouble. Do not neglect your health or else everything else will suffer as well. Mother’s health needs to be taken care of. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to Acharya Nanak Dhawan from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!