Every year, when the year comes to a close, I have a ritual that I do ...with friends, with family, but most of all with myself. I go through the ritual of writing a prophecy letter. A prophecy letter, not unlike a vision board, is a letter to the universe thanking it for the year that has gone by. Only it's not of 2023, it's of December 2024. You look back on the future.... and when you read it at the end of the year, you realize how true so much is. As much as I write a prophecy letter, I also write a letter of gratitude for the year gone by. Both letters are to yourself and the universe.... sending energies that align with your deepest desires, your truth when no one is looking. No one is judging. So, before the year comes to a close, do these two things. Write a gratitude letter to the universe about all the wonderful moments you enjoyed and all the happiness you received.
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Then write a prophecy letter dated 31st December 2024.... and write not in the future, but rather in the past tense. Acknowledging all the beautiful moments of the last year. While much may have gone wrong, as it often does, nonetheless, there is always something beautiful that has happened alongside, if only we would care to reflect and look. If someone has been ill, the gratitude should be that we were able to be available by their side. If you lost your job, be grateful for the opportunity to begin something new, to explore new possibilities that you couldn't till now. No matter the circumstances, there are always so many things to be grateful for. It has been a ritual for several years now.... along with a vision board that I create with friends in the 1st week of the year.... and hang it somewhere I can see all its pictures. A visual representation of my dreams and desires for the time to come. Watch life's magic come alive! As you do so.. make sure you stay present to all you must be grateful for in the here and the now....the future doesn't exist, only the present moment does. The here and the now. The rest will be taken care of in ways you can only imagine! See you all in the New Year! It's going to be fantastic!
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