5 Brutal Truths to Know Before You Hitch to a Taurus

Mon, May 11, 2015
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Mon, May 11, 2015
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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5 Brutal Truths to Know Before You Hitch to a Taurus

Taurus represents the sign of the Bull, often described as someone who is patient and hardworking. But they are famous for being stubborn just like a Bull and can be extremely possessive as well. So if you are in love with a Taurus, you need to know the right switches to make them swoon and make your relationship tick with them. You should know these 5 straight to the face and honest truths about a Taurus before dating them. If you are a Taurus or probably dating one already, you know what lies ahead.

  1. You cannot win an argument with them: They will argue over the most trivial things, no matter what the topic is or no matter how silly it is. A Taurus born native will always try to put their points across doesn’t matter if they are wrong or right. This is where you can see their very famous stubbornness come to life
  2. They are possessed by the mad devil called jealousy: Although they are known to be downright confident and bold, Taurus individuals have these little feelings of insecurities like what if their partner finds someone who is better than them. Don’t even think to provoke them or they could drown you in a pool of jealousy and possessiveness. What should you do? Introduce your Taurus partner with your friends of the opposite sex, this can make them relax and be in an easy state of mind.
  3. Do not make the Bull rage with anger: Yes, patience is one of their strongest and positive traits but when they lose their mind (rare occasions) they could leave you running for help. Beneath that calm and cool surface lies a part which you would never want to provoke, on purpose!!
  4. They love their independence: You read that trait of theirs right, they are fiercely independent someone who likes to live their life according to their own set of rules. They do not like to be dependent even for the slightest of things. Their mantra is simple: if they need to make mistakes, they need to be at least assured that they had the freedom to make the mistake and to learn or not learn from their mistakes should be their choice too. Leave them alone!!
  5. But then, Taurus are loyal creatures: They may have their own set of negative traits and stubbornness issues but we all know that the most important aspect for any relationship is loyalty. When a Taurus decides to trust you in matters of the heart, be assured that you have earned it and they are here to stay. Think twice before you betray someone like them as they may forgive you but they will never forget the betrayal.  
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