The difficult time has extended more than expected. Troubles have been a part of your life but this time it has stretched for a long time. But without taking any stress, here is the time when you must stand up to it by armouring your lives with positivity and happiness.
You must be facing a lot of trouble during this crisis as this has been a sudden and unexpected turn of events. But that does not mean that you will give up so easily. You need to look this crisis in the face and defeat it with positivity and happiness.
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Many of you must be feeling that there’s no way out of this crisis. Are you one of them? Then it’s high time that you realize that being human beings we have very limited control over our surroundings. We can either sit and cry considering ourselves a victim or try to bring a change by transforming our perception and emerging as a victor. So choose wisely because your decision will decide your future and may even turn the tide in your favour.
Are you feeling depressed and panic-stricken due to this crisis? Do you think there’s no way out and you are left with no other option but to become a mere victim? Then this article will surely transform your perception and prepare you to deal with the crisis in a more positive way.
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So are you ready to prepare your defenses against this unexpected event? Are you still wondering how to increase positivity at home? Don’t worry, we got you covered there. Here is a list of activities to increase happiness so that you come out of this crisis as a winner:
Growing plants at home
Plants give positive vibes and enhance the beauty of the house. You can utilize this time and grow as many plants in your garden as possible. You can grow the plants like giloy, tulsi and neem that will help in cleaning the air and also make your surroundings fresh and healthy. The medicinal properties of these plants can get rid of many diseases such as pimples, digestion problems, etc. In case you have more space in your garden, then you must grow organic vegetables in your kitchen garden as this would help you eat healthy and save your money as well.
Painting your experiences
You must be feeling a turmoil inside you due to the negativity that has spread in the world. If you still do not have an answer on how to increase positivity then you must try your hand at painting. By painting your feelings, you will be able to get rid of the stress and anxiety that the crisis has brought for everyone. Use the brushes that are long kept aside and give expressions to your emotions. If you do not have brushes, then use your hands to make an abstract or object-related painting and calm your senses with this colorful activity.
Capturing precious moments
Who says that you cannot click a picture while sitting at your home? Explore the inner surroundings of your house and find the picturesque elements present in your home. Even if you are not a professional photographer, you can try this activity. Just click random pictures of objects, artifacts or natural objects around you. You need to face the challenge and find out the best location for your photography. Also, you can find those picture-perfect moments that you spend with your family and create memories for a lifetime.
Creating a collage
Go through all the old memories of yours and select your most lovable pics with your friends and family to create a beautiful collage that you can put up on your walls. You can also make a scrapbook in which you can collect the memories of your golden past. Decorate it with glitter, sequence or painting and boost up your creativity as this will surely make you happy!
Playing games online or via video chats
You can play online games with your siblings, cousins or friends by downloading particular apps that offer it. Or you can play games via video chats as well. This may sound weird but you can definitely have an enjoyable session of tambola over a video chat or play the old school games like atlas, antakshari, etc. You can also choose any other game like ludo or chess that you both have at your place and spend the time in a leisurely manner. Spending time with your family will surely make you positive and happy.
Practicing these activities will bring a rush of positive energy into your life and help you deal with the current situation with a fresh perspective. So, to make your life happy and peaceful amidst this scenario, follow these steps without any delay.
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