International Women’s Day 2022: 5 Powerful Women in History

Mon, Mar 07, 2022
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Mon, Mar 07, 2022
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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International Women’s Day 2022: 5 Powerful Women in History

International Women’s Day 2022 shall be celebrated on March 8th like every year. The day has been set aside to recognize the power and the many achievements of women, a faction of the society that is often undermined as weak and powerless. Let us know more about this day and its significance through the story of the 5 most powerful women in history:

Each year, more than 100 countries celebrate this day since the first Women’s Day celebration in 1909 in the United States of America that was meant to salute women for their immeasurable contribution to family, society, and the world.

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We have tried to bring you a fresh spirit of inspiration by listing down the 5 most noteworthy women in history. We hope that these women and their stories can instill a sense of determination within you to change the world. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started:

  1. Rosa Parks: When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger in 1950, she probably didn’t know that she was propelling a powerful movement in history. When she was arrested for her refusal, she assembled the NAACP to boycott buses, drawing the attention of a nation that was deeply embroiled in racism. Her activism compelled the law to declare segregation as an unconstitutional act. Since then, Rosa Parks had become a powerful voice behind the civil rights movement.
  2. Maya Angelou: We can’t be talking about the International women’s day theme and not mention this poignant figure who is recognized as one of the most powerful writers in American literature. Walking side by side with Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, Maya Angelou made her presence felt in the civil rights movement in America. Her biography “I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings” is a powerful memoir of a powerful woman who emerged fearless, much like the phoenix from the ashes after years of abuse and trauma. Her story strikes so much relativism because it mirrors the story of many black women in America. The book was not just revolutionary for Angelou’s career but also for black women who found their own voices through Angelou’s story.
  3. Frida Kahlo: Frida Kahlo was a living testament to how one can turn pain into art. She suffered from polio and was met with a terrible accident, spending a large portion of her life in agonizing pain. But she used her suffering to channel her political awakening. She fought for a distinct cultural identity for her people through her paintbrushes. Her fight for an independent Mexican identity made her a poster child for using art as a canvas for both passion and politics, quite literally. She was a brown, disabled revolutionary whose power transcended the physical body.
  4. Mary Wollstonecraft: International Women’s day date is incomplete without mentioning this powerful writer in literature. Writing about the liberation of women, her political writing got much-deserved recognition only after her death. She is a literary giant, and her biggest contribution was her first book, “A Vindication of the Rights of Men” (1790), followed by her subsequent powerhouse in the form of “A Vindication of the Rights of Women” (1792). Her fight against the portrayal of women as passive beings in a man’s world enlightened many, making her name unskippable from this list of powerful women.
  5. Mother Teresa: A Nobel Peace Prize winner and a Bharat Ratna awardee, Mother Teresa’s name has to be mentioned on international women’s day 2022 as one of the most influential women in history. She dedicated her life to the service of the poor. Her Missionary of Charities is an organization that takes care of those in need without any sense of discrimination. She was personally involved in taking care of the sick and disabled, and her care and compassion were unmatched. Taking care of many in the city of Calcutta, Mother Teresa spent her days among the less fortunate tirelessly. Her mission was to eradicate poverty and ensure that each individual on this planet could live a life of dignity, and hence, she will always be remembered among the many women who changed the world as we know it!

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In a Nutshell!

Women have often been neglected as the weaker sex. They have been mistreated, subjugated, and stifled quite often. But if there’s one thing that the above-mentioned women have taught us, it is the fact that women are anything but weak. A body that breeds life can never be weak, and it is this hidden power that each woman needs to tap into in order to reach their full potential!

To know if you too have it within you to change the world like these impactful women, get detailed consultations from Astroyogi’s expert astrologers right away!

Astroyogi wishes you and all the women out there a Happy International Women’s day!

✍️ By- Team Astroyogi

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