Problems are not uncommon in any relationship. It takes two to tango. While some problems may simply require compromise, others can be harder to solve. But you should remember when it is okay to compromise and when to stand your ground. There may be a number of red flags in a relationship, but here is a list of 5 things which should never be overlooked in a relationship:
Your dreams, beliefs and values-
You are your own person, with your own values and beliefs. And while it is okay that your beliefs and values differ from those of your partner, you should remember to respect them nonetheless. Same goes for your dreams. It isn't necessary to be with someone who shares your dreams and aspirations. But at the same time, you should respect your partner’s dreams and expect them to respect yours as well.
Your relationship with your family and your friendships-
While it may be ideal to be with someone who loves your family and friends as much as you do, it may not always happen that way. In that case, if your significant other doesn't see eye-to-eye with them, it isn't your problem. You should be able to spend your time with the ones you love. If your partner can’t accept that, then tough! Don’t try to please your partner by isolating yourself from your family and friends. Your partner should give you your space and trust you.
Any kind of abuse-
This goes without saying that you should not tolerate any kind of abuse from you significant other. Whether it be emotional, verbal or physical, you shouldn’t abuse your partner, nor let your partner abuse you! Just because you're both in love, doesn’t allow your significant other to treat you badly. Nor does it allow you to make excuses for your partner to treat you that way. Remember, you decide how you should be treated.
While most cases include women being subject to domestic violence, there have been quite a few cases of ‘Battered husband’ syndrome. If you are stuck in such a situation, don’t refrain from asking for help.
Your partner being unwilling to compromise-
It may not always be possible for you and your significant other to agree on everything. Agree to disagree. Come up with an option that you and your partner are both comfortable with.
While there may be times when you both can find a mid-way, it may not always be possible for both of you to compromise. There may be situations that call for one partner to compromise. Remember it is okay to compromise. But it doesn't mean that you are always the one compromising. Your partner should also reciprocate.
That being said, to maintain a healthy relationship, it would do good to not count the number of times one partner has accommodated the other.
Your astrological compatibility-
While love is important for any relationship, it may not always be enough. Some problems may arise in a relationship simply because you may not be astrologically compatible with your partner. Your stars play quite an important role in your relationship. It is not uncommon for families to compare ‘Kundlis’ before marriage to see how compatible the partners may be. Matching your stars with your partner can help to understand how successful your relationship might be and whether you might face a lot of problems. You can also understand a lot about your partner, like their traits and personality, by getting to know more about their sun sign.
Consult astroyogi’s expert astrololgers online to check your astrological compatibility. Click here.
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