7 Powerful Affirmations to Start 2023 on A High Note

Fri, Dec 30, 2022
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Fri, Dec 30, 2022
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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7 Powerful Affirmations to Start 2023 on A High Note

Wow! Time sure does fly by! In the blink of an eye, 2022 has gone by, and 2023 is here to greet us. Starting a new year on a good note is a must! This is where affirmations come in! Here you will find a list of powerful affirmations to help you start the year with a bang.

With 2023 knocking on our doors, everyone is excited in anticipation of a new beginning. A new year means we can all finally let go of the last year and its baggage and look ahead to a clean slate. The new year is the time to map out your next year's goals and wishes.
As we move into a new year, it is time to dig deep, focus on new energies, and transform ourselves. In 2023, you can manifest a whole new and improved life simply by changing the way you usually think. This is where 'affirmations' comes into play. 

New Year Affirmations You Shouldn’t Miss Out On!

Affirmations are supercharged statements that are positive. They are the first step to helping you take control of your life. Affirmations are all about your mindset. When you truly believe you can achieve something, your actions often follow. This is why using short and powerful statements can do wonders in your life.
Each powerful statement given below has a unique manifestation message and is best for your specific needs. So, start your 2023 with these 7 affirmations to have a wonderful year. 

  1. My brightest, highest self always shines through.

This statement is to help you be your best self. This isn't limited to appearance but also your temperament, behavior, and personality. 

  1. I make plans, visualize my goals, and move toward accomplishing them.

This affirmation can help you have a successful year and give you the power to attain your goals. 

  1. I am the architect of my fate. I can achieve what I have dreamt for myself.

This affirmation is to remind you that you have the power to write your own destiny and acquire goals that you have set for yourself. 

  1. Those that surround me bring abundance, joy, and support to my world.

This affirmation is for you to have some trust in the people around you. If you are surrounded by positive, supportive, and loving people, nothing will be impossible for you. 

  1. All the good in my life comes to me because of my willingness to find happiness in each moment.

This affirmation is for enhancing happiness in your life. It is to remind you that your happiness lies in your own hands. 

  1. Now is my time to thrive.

This affirmation is to remind you that it is time to own 2023 and make the most of every opportunity that knocks on your door.

  1. This year, I’m making myself a priority.

This affirmation is to remind you that self-love is important. You should see this year as the ideal time to focus on yourself and make positive changes so that it benefits you.

Check this out 👉 Horoscope 2023Numerology 2023Tarot 2023

Do Affirmations Work? 

YES, absolutely! 

Affirmations are powerful statements that are very easy to incorporate into your life. Formulating a mental image of what you want to accomplish in your life activates a part of the brain that experiencing the situations, in reality, might activate. When you form positive thoughts and repeat them again and again, you internally start believing in those ideas. The more you believe in the words, the better chance there is that they will become a reality. 

Regular repetition of statements can motivate your brain to take these positive, affirming statements as fact. Using a positive affirmation repeatedly can help you feel relaxed and ready for whatever's coming your way. It also avoids any self-sabotaging and negative thoughts to interfere with your confidence, mental peace, and subsequent success. To make affirmations, whether it's affirmations for self-love or success, work for you, you must accept that your ideas and thoughts create actions, and these actions become your reality. Repeating an affirmation can help boost your confidence. It can put the wheels in your mind in motion so that you can become more confident in your actions.

Try the positive affirmations mentioned above, and you'll be surprised by how much better you feel!

Summing Up

There is incredible strength and power in words! If you can select the right words, you can create your own narrative and use it to make yourself, especially your mind, positive and forge ahead in life. With 2023 here to greet us, pick an affirmation that speaks to you the most, and start repeating it not only at the beginning of the year but throughout the year. Repeating them with complete faith and hope will help you counteract feelings of negativity, worry, apprehension, and uncertainty. 

Allow the positive affirmations to seep into your mind and energize and motivate you! Remember, the affirmations are a step towards a change and better life, not the actual change itself. So, the onus is on you, and you need to take action yourself to improve your life.

Astroyogi wishes you a Happy New Year! 

Eager to know what surprises 2023 has in store for you? The Astroyogi astrologers can tell you! 


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