A better part of one’s life is spent doing a job. It thus makes sense to pick a job suited to one’s personality and interest. As the wise say, ”Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
A government job is normally stable, cushy, not very demanding or target based and you get to ‘keep it’ till you reach the retiring age. Whereas jobs in private companies and MNC’s are target based, can be very demanding on his time and health, and invariably ‘burn out’ an employee if they can’t adjust.
Thus, certain Zodiac signs have the capacity to work in a private job while others would fare better in life, staying away from one.
Being strong-willed, independent, fiercely competitive, outspoken and ambitious, Aries would perform well in a job that would be demanding and challenging. A routine government desk job would be too claustrophobic for this action-seeking Ram.
Skilful, dextrous, inquisitive, multi-tasking and on the lookout for constant change, those belonging to the zodiac sign of Gemini, would be bored to death in a staid, routine-based government job. They are always on the lookout for using some new and different approach to perform a task efficiently.
The dynamic, power-hungry, high-energy quotient Lions, who like to lead the pack, would feel
stifled if they ever have to work as a subordinate and take orders. This ambitious and dominating zodiac would hate to sit at a desk, moving files. Since they are good at handling crisis, they need to work at the top.
The power-hungry, hardworking, strong-willed and ‘passionate-about-work’ Scorpions, would feel quite restless in a comfortable, ‘non-challenging’ job. Complex topics attract them as they can then stretch themselves beyond limits.
This independent sign is always on the lookout to travel yonder. They relish the newness of novel experiences and love to explore. They revel in frequently interacting with lots of people. A desk-job would restrain their thinking abilities and ingenuity.
Clever, logical, ambitious, authoritative; the Goats don’t do well in careers that may not offer them space to grow. Since Capricorns are goal oriented, they would like to work in an environment that gives them a target to achieve and where they could show-cause their organisational skills.
The intelligent and progressive ‘thinkers’, need space and freedom to prove themselves to be visionaries. They can be quite opinionated and resilient about their actions. Conventional government jobs in which they cannot implement their thoughts, are not for them. They have an ability to think outside the box and that may not be something a government job entails since one follows a certain protocol here.