Planetary transits and retrogression are very significant in Vedic astrology because all predictions and readings are based on planetary positions and transits with reference to each zodiac sign. The impacts on all twelve Zodiac natives would depend upon the house in which the planetary transit, retrogression or progression is happening with respect to their zodiac sign. Another phenomenon which can bring in complex, as well as prominent impacts, are conjunctions of planets which are retrograding. We are going to witness one such strange astrological phenomena on the 10th of April 2017. While a planet retrogression can bring in strong implications on our destiny, imagine the compounded impact of four planetary retrogressions. That is exactly what is going to happen on the 10th of April: Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus will be retrograding together after this date. The retrogression phase of Mercury will be completed by May 3rd 2017, that of Venus will be finishing by 15th April. However the retrogression of Saturn and Jupiter will prolong till August 25th and June 9th respectively. Our expert astrologers say that this rare phenomenon will have a powerful impact on our lives. Read on to find out how this is going to impact your Zodiac sign.
Mercury will be retrograding on your Sign by 10th April and is also the lord of your 6th House. The 6th house pertains to health and career. So you might not be getting the desired result even after putting in your best efforts. You should understand the reason behind this and keep up your spirit during this tenure. There are also chances for you to fall sick, so you need to take good care of your health. The retrogression in the 6th house can also strengthen your enemies. So you need to be cautious about backbiters in workplace and should not leave any scope for criticism.
Jupiter retrogradesin your 6th house. Jupiter is the key significator of Luck and prosperity for your sign, so a retrogression of the planet would mean bad luck for you. Due to this retrogression, you might also go against a very wise advice given to you by an elderly, which will backfire and in turn bring in some negative consequences. There are also chances of stomach related infections or diseases.
Venus, the key significator of wealth and conjugal affairs for your sign retrogrades in Pisces. Due to the retrogression of Venus, you might suffer from financial losses. You are advised to keep away from big investments or risky business deals during this tenure. You should also control your temperament during this tenure as the probabilities for argument and friction with your life partner is very high during this time period. Saturn retrograde will also be contributing significantly towards the overall impact of the four planet retrogression. The planet is the key significator of your career front, so the retrogression would affect those who are struggling to make up their career and would make it even more difficult for them.
The Lord of your Sun sign Venus is retrograding in Pisces. Saturn will be retrograding on your 8th house while Mercury on 12th and Jupiter on 5th house by 10th April. This means that you might have a hard time earning money or meeting your expenses. Venus is also the lord of your 6th house. The retrograde can bring in hurdles for in your career front. You need to be less impulsive and should heed to the guidance of seniors or elderly people because there are chances for you to make some impulsive decisions which can bring serious consequences in the long run.
The compounded impact of all four planets can cause stress and arouse anger in you. You need to be well aware of this and try to tame your emotions as it has the potential to tamper your good relationships and friendships. You might feel disinterested in religion and spirituality during this tenure. You may even break a spiritual discipline/lent/fast which you had been following for long. You should also be very cautious and careful of your health during this tenure. There are chances of accidents and stomach related diseases during this tenure. You might have to go for a long journey during this tenure.
On April 10th, 2017, the Lord of your sign Mercury will be retrograding in Aries. Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn will be retrograding in the 4th, 10th, and 7th house respectively. After analyzing the compounded impact of these four planet’s retrograde the general suggestions would be to restrain yourself from being very emotive because it can disturb the higher mind and you should not dwell too much into the past as it can also cause problems. The Venus retrograde in the tenth house means there is strong sensitivity for social values and you will be feeling quite creative. You might also feel limited by your partner. You will need to strike harmony with others to achieve common objectives and growth in the workplace.
Your relationships and career front may suffer during this tenure. So you need to make sure that you give your best performance in the workplace and be your best with people during this tenure. You might have to face the wrath of your boss and supervisor during this tenure, but you should handle the situation with diplomacy and humbleness. Your mother might face some health issues due to the retrogression of the lord of your sign. Singles may be attracted towards a new relationship during this tenure, but it is advised to stay away from such adventures for some time due to the rare retrograding scenario which takes luck away from you.
On April 10th, 2017, Mercury will start retrograding in your 10th House. This might delay or postpone things for you. The retrograde might make you a bit hot headed or aggressive so you are advised to avoid friction in your conversations and interactions with others. If you are bewildered by your hard luck during this tenure, just keep reminding yourself about the Mercury retrogression.
Jupiter is retrograding in the house which pertains to progression for your zodiac sign. You will be well rewarded for the efforts and the hard work which you do in this tenure in future. But a lackluster attitude will be thoroughly penalized by the retrogression of Jupiter. You might also be troubled by some diseases during this tenure. Don’t expect much from your luck but you are advised to work hard to rise against all odds during this time period.
Due to the retrogression of Venus, you might be deprived of some luxuries which you enjoyed in life during this tenure. You are also advised to be careful with your valuables and assets, as there are chances for losing an expensive possession which is very close to you. You might also have clashes with your better half, but things can be sorted out because you already know the reason for this arbitrary friction. Saturn retrogression is happening on your sixth house which means that you should be cautious of politics and conspiracies. Your enemies may put up serious challenges for you at the workplace.
Leo natives already have the impact of Rahu which is retrograding ever since birth. This can cause stress and mental disturbances for you. Mercury is retrograding on the house of good luck and fortune for you, so you can’t expect to be very lucky during this tenure. Mercury is also the Key significator of wealth and profit for you, so you should be prepared to meet some extra expenses or a financial loss. You are also prone to eye and ear infections during this tenure.
Jupiter is retrograding in your second house, which implies that you might have more hedonistic tendencies and would be inclined towards more materialistic and physical things. You might also disdain spiritual aspects and show disinterest in religion and spirituality during this tenure. But the retrograde can also bring in some good news for you as it would enhance your analytical abilities and overall productivity, which means that you may be able to achieve many things if you have direction and passion.
Venus is retrograding on your 8th house and this can affect your immune system. You can easily fall sick during this time period, so you need to keep safe from contagious diseases. An old affair of yours might be kindled during the retrogression phase of Venus but it is advised for you take mature and practical decisions after considering all aspects of life. Your sexuality will be connected to possessiveness and rashness during this tenure.
Saturn retrogression on your 5th house means that you will have concerns related to children and it also will have a negative impact on your overall mental health and peace of mind. You will try to tackle the obstacles and hurdles with creative solutions which will be a product of thinking out of the box. You will also be feeling more responsible and would skim down on the fun part due to the rise in challenges and overall pressure of life.
Mercury the Lord of your sign will be retrograding on your eighth house. Venus retrogrades on your 7th house and Saturn on 4th. The retrogression of Jupiter, however, will bring in health issues and if you are suffering from any health issues, chances are that you will be more troubled by these issues during the retrogression phase. You might have a tendency to neglect your partner and give priority to work or other aspects of life during this time period, but that can cause some problems in your relationship. You might also feel low on sexual drive and energy due to Jupiter retrogression.
The retrogression of Venus on your 7th house means that the person is very sensitive to his/her environment. They will make lasting impressions on other people and will be able to influence others. You will be very good at persuading people and those who into sales profession will do very well during this tenure. While the retrogression of Saturn on your 4th house can cause some minor health issues you might receive some help from colleagues or seniors in your career front during this tenure. You might get into an argument or disagreement with your father, but you should understand that this is because of the retrogression of Saturn a key significator of your relationship with your father. You should also be very careful about your company and the new friends that you make during the tenure.
The Lord of your house Venus is retrograding on your 6th house which may cause some arbitrary delays for succeeding with your efforts. Venus is the Lord of your ascendant and is also the lord of your eighth house. Venus being the lord of your ascendant, its retrogression may cause more trouble if you are already having health issues. The retrogression of Saturn is also not a good news for you as it is the key significator of luxury and prosperity. You may come across new challenges and hurdles on the work front and this will affect your peace of mind.
Mercury will be retrograding in your seventh house which clearly indicates disturbances in your conjugal affairs. You might also be troubled by the burgeoning expenses and it is advised to plan your expenses and spend wisely. The Jupiter retrogression impacts are mainly on your wealth. If you have been involved in any disagreement related to ancestral property rights then this tenure will not bring good news for you. You should also be cautious about your enemies as it is the ideal time for them to conspire against you.
Mercury retrogrades in your 6th house which means that you may have to travel a lot during this tenure and you may end up spending a big chunk of your hard earned money for that. You may clear off some of your old debts during this time period and there are chances of receiving some fund from a close friend or family member due to the retrogression of Jupiter in the house pertaining to profits and monetary gains.
Venus is retrograding in the house which pertains to intellect and peace of mind. Venus is also the significator of your relationship and conjugal affairs so it is advised that you should give priority and time for your partner to ensure a healthy and sound relationship. Watch your head as a head injury is on the cards due to the retrogression of Jupiter. Career oriented people may get annoyed on not getting desired hike or position during this time period. Some seemingly good opportunity for monetary gain may come your way but you should keep safe from such endeavors as luck is not in your favor. Just understand this astrological phenomenon and the reason for your bad luck and adapt to it, you can sail through this tenure without stressing out yourself and incurring minimal damage.
Jupiter is the lord of your sign and this behemoth is retrograding in Virgo. Due to this retrogression, you might face the wrath of your boss or supervisor. You should adhere to what they say and handle the situation diplomatically as there is a probability of emotional outburst which can worsen the situation. You may also have arguments with parents or elderly family members because of Jupiter retrogression.
Venus retrogrades o the fourth house of your sign. If you are in a relationship this retrogression can arouse the parental ego inside you and make you very possessive. However, you should be careful about it and should not be very skeptical and strict towards your partner as it can sour the relationship. You should not lend money during this tenure as it may be counted into your bad debts header. Saturn is retrograding in your own sign and can cause unexpected expenses and also induce some illness. You need to be proactive and focus on your work as a bit of laziness can ruin your impression at the workplace.
Mercury is retrograding on your fifth house which pertains to communication and intellect. You should be cautious of what you are saying as you might have a tendency to be sarcastic or rude during your communication. Mercury is also the key significator of marital affairs. You should make sure that you are giving enough time and priority to your better half during this tenure.
Saturn is the lord of your sign and is retrograding on your 12th house. This can induce increased expenditure and sometimes financial loss. Saturn is the lord of your ascendant and also your 2nd house, due to this you may also suffer from an eye infection or stomach related disease. Mercury retrogrades on your 4th house which can impact your prosperity and overall luxury enjoyed in life. Mercury is the lord of your 6th house, Jupiter is retrograding on the house which pertains to good fortune for your sign. So the compounded effect can bring in bad luck and unexpected delays for things to happen in life.
Venus will be retrograding in your 3rd house. You should Refrain from lending money to any close relatives else you may suffer loss. You postpone or avoid any long distance travel plan during this tenure as this is not the best time for safe travel. You should survive this tough time period and safeguard your confidence and determination as you might not get the desired results for the effort you put in. Visiting a sacred religious place will be a good idea as it may appease the stress and strain inside and refill you with the much-needed energy and enthusiasm. Students are advised to be focused in studies as they might be distracted by many other things which can affect their performance.
Saturn is the Lord of your sign and it is retrograding in your house of profit and good luck. The transit of Shani into Sagittarius in January might have brought many good surprises for you, but the same aspects of your life may get affected during this retrograding tenure. A hefty medical bill may dig a hole in your pocket during this tenure. You should consult your parents or a good friend before taking a big decision about your marriage during this tenure because the compounded impact of all retrogradation can make you impulsive and you may end up taking the wrong decisions.
Jupiter’s retrogression in your 8th house can cause some stomach related problems. You may also be facing a lot of dilemma during this tenure and would find it hard to take decisions. An old argument related to ancestral property may be sorted out during this tenure. Venus is retrograding in your second house and is the key significator of all luxuries you enjoy in life. You might miss out on some of these aspects of life which made you feel very comfortable during this phase of time.
Jupiter is the Lord of your sign and is retrograding in Pisces which is also happening in your 7th house. You might be more inclined towards spirituality during this tenure, the retrogression can also influence you to develop a more serious and matured attitude work and family responsibilities, but the driving force here would be the fear factor which can also induce stress. Now, Venus is retrograding in your ascendant which can affect your immunity and make you prone to infections and contagious diseases. A little bit of caution and carefulness can save you here. You might have to go far from your family and close ones for some time for work or business related matters during this tenure.
The retrogression of Saturn is happening in the 10th house which is also known as the ‘Karam Bhav’ in Vedic astrology. This house pertains to one’s career, business, success, fame, rank, and position in the outer world. Which would mean that things will not be very smooth for you and you will be experiencing unusual delays and prolongation for things to work out. Mercury retrogrades in your 2nd house known as ‘Dhan Bhava’ in Vedic astrology. This would mean that the cash inflow may be reduced and there are chances of increase in expenses or in worst case scenarios loses.
The four planet retrogression we are about to witness is a rare astrological phenomenon. Though it might be perceived as a time period which is at least not auspicious, the impacts on your destiny would be very different from the generalized predictions. An expert astrologer needs to look into the birth chart of a person and then analyze the planetary positions in its backdrop to give you precise and accurate predictions. astroYogi.com features the most authentic and 100% verified astrologers in India. You can consult these experts anytime, anywhere from the comfort and privacy of your home through our portal.
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