I was very nervous, but I knew that I didn’t have the answers in myself. I had known about tarot for a long time but now felt like the right opportunity to use one. I felt too anxious to go in person, so a telephone consultation was suitable for me.
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To begin with, she explained how tarot worked and what it would involve.
‘To start with, it’s important for you to understand that there is no one future. The future is sprawling ahead of us in a million and one different possible directions, but the cards can advise us which path to take. Do you understand?’
‘And what is it you want to know?’
The voice on the other end of the line was kind and open. I’d written some questions down so that I could focus if my mind faltered.
‘Should I marry my partner? He has asked me, and I’m not sure what the right thing to do is.’
‘Ah’, she paused briefly. ‘This is such a common question and a very important one to ask. Let me consult the cards.’
I waited patiently on the line, but in my heart of hearts, I knew what I wanted the answer to be.
‘The cards advise that there is no ‘right thing to do.’ The cards reflect your indecision and uncertainty. Certainly, there are two rigid possibilities; you can say yes to the proposal or you can say no. You can also give the decision more time. You can lurk in the in-between for a while until you have sufficient information to proceed.’
She went on to describe where the uncertainty had come from. I had concerns about what type of future I wanted, and this clashed with my partners. I had also rushed into the relationship out of fear of being alone and duty, rather than compatibility. I worried that marrying him would be for the wrong reasons.
After the consultation ended, I reflected on what I’d learnt. I did not end up accepting my partner at the times proposal, and with time, we ended the relationship. I have gone on to meet a new partner. We married, and there has never been a moment’s doubt.