So, there’s no problem between Deepika Padukone and Chitrangada Singh. After Katrina Kaif, it is speculated that Deepika has indulged in a cat fight with Chitrangada, her co-star in Rohit Dhawan’s 'Desi Boyz'.
Earlier, there were reports that the two got themselves in a heated fight over a pink outfit by a designer for the film. They both liked the dress and wanted to wear it.
Denying the reports, Deepika told a leading national daily, "I don't know from where this kind of news is coming from. There is no tiff between us. We have just one scene together and we spoke on the day we shot it. Besides that we hardly have any scenes to share. But all these stories are disappointing."
On the other hand, Chitrangada said, "These are mere rumours. Deepika and I are comfortable with each other. The story about some dress and that we fought for it is untrue. Both Deepika and I can buy a dress for ourselves. There is no reason for us to fight with each other for it."
In Bollywood, cat fights will continue and will remain a part of actresses’ lives. But what’s in store for their future? Will their career hit roadblocks in the coming year 2012?
Deepika has Saturn's shift to her Moon Sign during the end of 2011 which will prove to be good. This positive transit will gift her with reputation in her career. Her fan following will also add a feather to her success cap. However, the Nodal planets Rahu and Ketu transits to the 2nd and 8th house respectively, which is not a positive sign. This unfavorable transit might run Deepika through emotional disputes and career distractions; it is suggested that she takes uttermost care prior to signing up new contracts.
Chitrangada Singh has ruling number 1 and this number is governed by the Sun. Those born under it are highly original, active, energetic, motivated, artistic and brilliant. She is attracted towards the intellectual types and that is why she’s not a regular face in commercial films. The strong influence of the Sun in her chart says that her personal power, authority, leadership qualities, creativity will get reflected in 2012. Though, she does not have many projects in her kitty, she will continue to be in news for the right reasons.
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