Meditation and holistic living has always fascinated and motivated man to achieve peace. Interestingly anyone can attempt meditation but not all achieve the desired results. Some people are able to meditate effortlessly and achieve higher levels of consciousness yet others give up as being "not our cup of tea".
Astrologically there are some known influences that enable an individual to understand whether he/she would be able to meditate and procure peace/conciousness or not. The following influencers provide a clue for the same.
There may be some more factors but a proper analysis of the above mentioned ones can throw some light on a native’s ability to meditate and concentrate his/her mind. Let us discuss some horoscope to probe the role of the above mentioned factors.
The following is the horoscope of Pujya Ma Anandmayi.
She had exalted Jupiter in fifth house that also happens to be the lagna lord as well as the tenth lord. It is aspecting the eighth lord Venus which is exalted in lagna. Likewise her Saturn is exalted in eighth house and it is aspecting tenth house as well as tenth house lord Jupiter. Not to forget that Saturn also happens to be the twelfth lord. Her eighth lord is Venus which is exalted in lagna and her twelfth lord is Saturn which is exlated in eighth house. These combinations are creating a very powerful energy flow and no wonder that Ma Anandmayi could achieve extreme transcendental states in her childhood itself. She could perform some extreme yogic postures and mudras that are considered difficult even by meditating saints/sadhus.
Below is the horoscope of Swami Vivekananda.
His Jupiter happens to be the Lagna lord and it has a direct aspect on the twelfth lord ie Mars. Likewise his Saturn is very favorably placed in the 10th house in conjunction with the 8th house lord Moon. The Saturn is also aspecting the 12th house in its third aspect. His 8th house has the aspect of Venus and Mercury from the 2nd house. It is interesting to note that his Saturn and Mercury in exchange houses thereby creating a very strong positive influence on the eighth house. Lastly, his 12th house lord Mars is favorably aspected by Jupiter and in turn Mars is aspecting the 8th house and the 12th house. Vargottam Lagna i.e. same lagna sign in Lagna chart as well as Navamsa chart multiplied the strength of his horoscope.
Below is the horoscope of Swami Ramkrishna Paramhans.
His Jupiter is aspecting the 8th house lord Mercury as well as 12th house lord Saturn. Likewise, Saturn is exalted in 9th house that happens to be the Lagna lord as well as the 12th house lord. His 8th house lord is Mercury that is Vargottam thereby providing extra brilliance. The 12th house lord is Saturn which is exalted in 9th house.
Note- In all the three horoscopes there is a direct impact of Mars on the 6th house (ability to bear physical pain). All of the above personalities had an amazing ability to practice extreme yogic postures and Hathayoga that require sitting in a particular position/stance for many hours without any movement.
There are many other permutations and combinations that portray the ability to meditate and reach a higher order of consciousness. Blessed are those people who have such combinations in their horoscope and can enlighten their lives by practicing sadhna.
Stay Blessed!!
Vedic Astrologer