So you prefer the company of a good book to a human being and your extrovert partner hates you for that. Well, it happens with a lot of people, not a big deal. The big deal or question is-Will this dichotomy affect your relationship in the long run?
Let’s find out! Here’s how the extroverts and introverts of the zodiac gel together.
Fire signs
The three fire signs-Aries, Leo and Sagittarius most often than not have extroverted personalities. Some of you might be introverts depending on the position of planets in your natal chart but as a palm rule if you are a fire sign, you are most likely to be an extrovert.
Aries never has a dull day in life. People born under this sign love to live life to its fullest and a partner who does not have 'fire' (yes, we’re talking about the element too) in his or her belly (or chart) does not complement them very well. In short, introverts are certainly not the right choice for the extroverted rams.
Since Leos love attention so much, a partner who hogs all the limelight is a recipe for disaster for the relationship. Therefore, a solitude loving partner will be a far better choice than someone similar. So yes, extroverts and introverts do click in their case.
Sagittarians are friendly fellows. Travelling and adventurous activities make up a major part of their lives. You derive great pleasure in mingling with people. Now imagine being with someone who detests public interaction of any sort. Not that great, isn’t it?
Air signs
The fun loving air signs though not as outgoing as the fire signs are still extroverts. You are adorable and most people love to hang out with you. Librans love to party and enjoy going out and having a good time. Same goes for the water bearers too. Though Aquarians are not the proverbial party animals, they do love to hang out and have a fun time. Pure introverts i.e. the "I hate people" sorts are definitely not for them but perhaps they will be just fine with the not so extreme types.
If they had their way, Geminis would love to be in two places at one time. They are always brimming with energy and chatting up people is how they give vent to this immense bounty of energy. Being with someone who does not like to talk is akin to being tied to a chair for their entire life.
Water signs
Though Cancerians are considered to be homebodies, they do like to go out and enjoy the company of others. Having someone who restrains them will not do them any good.
People who are too talkative and attention seeking are on the 'avoid them' list of the Scorpios. They revel in the company of likeminded individuals and would prefer loneliness to the company of a loud mouth any day.
Pisces also seek quiet but do not mind spending some quality time with the adventure enthusiasts of the zodiac (fire and air signs). They in fact shouldn’t pair up with introverts for it may cause them to become too gloomy and lonesome.
Earth signs
The Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are probably the most introverted signs of the zodiac. However, out of the three Taurus seems to be the least introverted. They may turn to melancholy without extroverted partners- Capricorns will become workaholics, Virgins will become too critical and Taureans will become too depressed. Thus, extroverted people are the way to go for the Earth signs.