A ‘Tulsi’ plant occupying the center position in a typical Hindu household’s courtyard, shows how revered the plant is. Traditionally, it is planted in an earthen structure called ‘Vrindavan’. In a typical Hindu household, the ‘Vrindavan’ is periodically smeared with cow dung and water, especially during festivals and religious ceremonies in the household. Tulsi deserves such an important stance in people’s lives because of the plant’s religious as well as medical relevance. A Tulsi plant is consecrated and planted at a height on the Vrindhavan, because of the respect and reverence given by Hindus and it is regarded unholy to touch a Tulsi plant by your feet.
Tulsi is personified as a Goddess in the Vedas and is also called ‘Vaishnavi,’ as she is very dear to Lord Vishnu. Tulsi is believed to be the manifestation of this goddess on earth in the form of a plant. Many folklores and legends say that Lord Vishnu will be exceptionally pleased if you worship the God with Tulsi on you. Lord Vishnu-“The Preserver of Creation” himself, wears a ‘Tulsi’ garland around his neck. The deity is so fond of Tulsi that it is believed if a Tulsi stick is used to light a lamp for Lord Vishnu, it is equivalent to lighting thousands of lamps to all the Gods. So much is the adoration towards this plant in Hindu religion that, keeping Tulsi twigs in the funeral pyre is believed to help the soul of the deceased to attain ‘Moksha’.
The Vedas consecrate this plant with a lot of mentions and it is believed that, ‘Brahma’ resides in her branches and all deities in her leaves. The Ganges flows through her roots, while the ‘Vedas’ reside in Her upper branches. She is believed to be the medium between Earth and Heaven. These meritorious mentions in the Vedas and popular beliefs is the reason why Tulsi is an integral part of almost all almost all the religious ceremonies of the Hindu religion. Our expert astrologers could tell you more about the usage and importance of tulsi in our religious ceremonies.
Tulsi is also found useful for medicinal usage, Ayurveda recommends the use of this plant for many ailments. It is used for curing coughs, colds and other viral infections. Even ailments as serious as cancer can be kept at bay, by eating few Tulsi leaves first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach.
It is also believed that if in the funeral pyre of any man, a few twigs of Tulsi is added, the soul of the man attains ‘Moksha’.
Consult an expert astrologer who can guide you with the placement and positioning of a Tulsi plant in your home.
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