Vedic Astrology is based upon the twelve houses and nine planets, which comprises of the seven main planets and two shadowy planets- Rahu and Ketu. ‘Seven chakras’ of the human body mentioned in ancient scriptures of Ayurveda and Yoga pertains to these seven planets. Microcosm and the macrocosm are part of the same divine plan. Just as the individual soul is encased in the living body, so is the universal Soul in the Living nature — the objective universe. Our body and emotions are controlled by the seven chakras. These chakras are influenced by planets they pertain to and while analyzing horoscope expert astrologers know which planet energy is in deficient and what is causing the imbalance. All chakras are connected to each other like if any aspect of life is disturbed it affects all other parts too:
1. Root or Mooladhar chakra – As the name indicates root chakra is related to survival issues of life. The element of this chakra is Earth and in birth chart Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are earth element signs which relate to family, health, and career. 2nd, the 6th and 10th house of horoscope also known as “arth trikon” represents issues related to root chakra. When this chakra is imbalanced or is deficient we may come across obstacles in life. Lack of confidence, insecurity, fear and fickle mind are some of the symptoms.
2. Sacral or Swadhistana chakra – This chakra is connected with emotions, love, like, dislikes, creativity, relationship, and sexuality. Water is the element of sacral chakra and Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces signs balance these emotions. 4th, 8th and 12th houses of “Moksh trikon” govern issues related to it. Moon is a water element planet and a well-placed Moon gives good relationship. The deficiency in this chakra can lead to emotional distress and problems in relationships. Lethargy, jealousy, infatuation and desire to be loved are behavioral symptoms of blocked sacral chakra.
Consult Upma Shrivastava, our celebrity astrologer for any further queries and consultation.
3. Solar plexus or Manipur chakra – Fire energy resides in solar plexus chakra which desires for power. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are fire signs which are dominant energy to be in power. 1st, 5th and 9th house of “Dharma trikon” in the horoscope represents energy of solar chakra. Mars is a governing planet of this chakra.”Desire to control everything, lack of confidence, impatience, aggression and pessimistic approach towards life are indications of imbalance of solar plexus chakra. By balancing this chakra leadership and profession skills develops, inner strength appears as intuition.
4. Heart or Anahata Chakra - When air gets space and flows freely then opportunity are unlimited. The heart chakra integrates upper and lower three chakras. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are air element sign which favors Love, intimacy, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, trust and empathy. 3rd, 7th and 11th house of “Kaam trikon” in birth chart signifies relationship and becomes an essential element to stay connected. Benevolent Venus favors in the opening of heart. When these emotions become negative they appear in a way like fear of intimacy, unable to let go, betrayal, friction in relationships, sadness, and blame culture.
5. Throat or Visuddhi Chakra – Expression, communication, freedom, will power are connected with the throat chakra. Mercury significator of communication rules this chakra. Planets placed in 2nd house indicates about voice. A benefic planet like Venus, Moon placed in 2nd house indicates a career in singing.
6. Third eye or Ajana chakra – Jupiter and Saturn is the governing planet of third eye chakra. Thought patterns, ideas, knowledge and the power to execute them are the function of this chakra. Knowledge of Jupiter is preserved by Saturn here.
7. Crown or Shasrara Chakra – Sun in the form of divine energy governs crown chakra. Awareness, enlightenment, consciousness and spiritual energy are felt through this chakra.
Upma Shrivastava,
Vedic Astrologer
www.Astroyogi.com #GPSforLife