While being in love can be the most exhilarating and euphoric experience, a breakup can put a person in throes of despair. The racing heart and accelerated breathing that happened every time you even thought of the love of your life can turn into anxiety and panic attacks of despair. One can end up with loss of appetite or the opposite; as they seek solace in comfort foods. In short, everything can look awful after a breakup!
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But, like it is always said, whatever happens, happens for the best. Try not getting soppy over the issue and with a clear head, analyze what happened and why. It’s easier said than done. If you were truly very attached with the person and think life cannot go on without him/her, its best to first cry it all out. Don’t hold it in because that emotion can really build up and finally burst out in an undesirable way.
One you’ve poured your emotion out through the tears, you can think more clearly. Although its best to talk it out with an understanding friend, you can yourself retrospect on their behaviour and analyse it, to come to a sensible decision. What you overlooked all the time when you were in the relationship, will give you important clues about the ‘why’s’ of a breakup. Do consider the following:
Do remember that it’s futile and ‘waste of time’ to indulge in trying to hold onto some who doesn't worry about losing you. You, cant and shouldn’t force someone to care for you. Let them go. ‘Letting go’ shows you have control over yourself and the key to happiness is in your own hand. Do not allow another human to have a control on your thoughts and feelings.
Similarly, you do not need the approval of another human to enjoy your life; your way.Learn to love yourself with positive affirmations and positive imagination.
And please stop obsessing over how to get him back. Concentration should now shift on how to get ‘you’ back. There are other fish in the sea and as is written in the stars; your ideal partner could be just around the corner.
Astrologers believe that for a relationship to be healthy, both partners should give and take equally. It cannot be one-sided. The foundation for a long-term relationship should be on firm grounds. Imbalanced relationships only cause harm and negativity in the long run.
Traditionally Yours,
Team astroYogi.com