We all are concerned about our lives. The uncertainties and suspense in life take most of our thought space. Seldom devolutionary arts like Astrology, Palmistry, Tarot reading and Face reading are devised to assuage these perpetual concerns of people. Though these devolutionary methods cater to the same need of mankind they are quite different from each other. Astroyogi throws light into the differentiation of two of these popular devolutionary methods; Palmistry and Face-reading.
It is believed that Palm reading or Palmistry originated in India. As the name suggests, a person’s palm and lines on it is analyzed for reading his future. The right palm is usually used for line readings. Some use the right hand of females for reading and left of males. The main lines in the hand are-
The life line-Begins between the thumb and index finger and encircles the mound at the base of the thumb downward to the wrist. It tells about that person’s health and life span.
The Head line-Which slants horizontally across the palm and is present above the Lifeline. It tells about that person’s personality and emotional nature.
The Heart line-Which runs slant towards the middle and index finger tells about that person’s marriage and romance prospects.
The Destiny line-Lies in the center of the palm and stretches up to the middle finger. This tells about how much hardship that person will face in his life. Not everyone has this line.
Palmists also check the shape of the hands, the mounts on the palms and the hand and finger size. These tell them the character and nature of the person.
Although lines on your palm can keep changing with age, these lines are unique to a person. These lines can assist you in giving a direction to your life, help in making a correct decision about your marriage and love life, help you discover your strength and weaknesses etc. In case you are seeking some insight into your own nature, log on to our Astroyogi.com and get in touch with our expert devolutionists.
Face reading or Physiognomy, on the other hand, tells about the person by reading the lines on his face and head, by the shape of face, eyes, nose, and lips. Also, by the profile of the head and face and by the body language.
Trained face readers can tell about your personality and character, by the size and type of facial features. Every line and wrinkle on your face tell them something about you. The hair line can tell them about your parents, face about your career, success, life etc. The portion between your eye and nose tells about your health while the area under your eyes tells about the love life. The shape of chin tells about your old age and so on.
The shape of your face tells about your characteristics and so can help you know the field in which you can do well. And so on.
Thus, these methods are to help you discover yourself, make important decisions when confused and to help you get back into the straight path of your life.
Traditionally Yours,
Team astroyogi.com