The practice of Synastry, also known as relationship astrology, is an age-old practice that involves the comparison of two astrological charts to determine areas of strength and weakness in their relationship. This practice can be a valuable resource for people who want to examine and improve upon the weak areas in their relationship with another person.
Astrologers read the locations of the Sun and the Moon while analysing a person’s birth chart. According to them, the Sun represents one's sense of identity and the Moon represents one's emotions. This is why they play a vital role in influencing a person’s relationship with others, especially the relationship the native has with his/her parents.
When assessing relationships during your reading, astrologers may also look at the aspects of the inner or "personal planets" on your birth chart. For instance, the planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars influence how you communicate with others, handle conflict, and express your emotions.
Many astrologers also consider how your Sun and Moon signs complement with those of your parent (s). For instance, your Pisces Moon may make you particularly sensitive to your mother's blunt honesty, courtesy of her Leo Sun.
The native’s Ascendant also holds significant importance in Synastry. While the core personality of each individual is expressed by the placement of the Sun sign, the outer demeanour is expressed by the native’s Ascendant. The two are considered important when two people first meet, as their influence on the native can immediately and easily be recognized.
Some of the different aspects in Astrology, which affect your relationship with your parent(s) include-
The First House i.e the Ascendant in your birth chart rules your image and outer personality. Thus, having a harmonious relationship with your parent would mean that you find their personality traits pleasant and desirable.
The Fourth house represents your Home and Family. It represents your need to provide nourishment, protection, and unconditional support to those who are closest to you in your life.
The Fifth house represents Children and Romantic Relationships. This house represents the native’s need to express passion, enthusiasm, humour and creativity to others. Natives often do this by loving their children, and/or their romantic partner.
Planet Saturn in a relationship house, can suggest several things like the tendency of the native to be self reliant in the area the house represents (resulting in relative isolation). The native could also be more attracted to older and more serious people belonging to that area, playing the role of Saturn, the wise teacher.
Planet Pluto in a relationship house can suggest profound emotional experience in the life area, the house represents. This could lead to the relationship being very intense, emotionally.
When the planets are in the same sign for two people, i.e they are in Conjunction, it brings the different planetary energy together, amplifying the effects both have on each other. The conjunction is the most powerful aspect in synastry, as it can produce either harmony or disharmony depending on the planets involved. If there exists too many conjunctions between two birth charts, it can create tension between the two people as they will be too similar. This is probably why it is often said that opposites attract. This belief must be applicable to a parent-child relationship as well.
When planets from your birth chart and your parent’s birth chart form a 90° angle, i.e are Square, it can create stress and tension in your relationship. For instance, a child with Mars square Saturn can feel blocked. However, if Mars and Saturn receive positive aspects from other planets, they could minimise the issues and allow the aspect to manifest in a more dynamic and purposeful way.