According to Vedic Astrology, Kundli Matching has 8 Kootas/ Categories and within it, 36 Gunas/ Ganas which should be matched between the bride and the groom. Each Koota has a certain numeric value attached to it, and in total, astrologers believe that a couple should have at least more than 18 points in their Kundli Milan for a happy and successful marriage. It is considered that the higher the score for a couple, the more is their compatibility.
consult India’s leading astrologers to get your Kundli matching done, and find out remedies to improve your compatibility with your partner (if needed)!
The 8 Kootas in the Ashtakoota Milan system include-
The first is Varna Koota, which assesses the Mental compatibility, approach to work & luck of the partners. This category analyses each partner’s basic potential and inherent skills and abilities. It is considered that each person has one of four personality types, and having the same personality type as your partner’s can get you the maximum value of 1 point.
The Vashya Koota, looks at who would be the more dominant partner in the relationship. It is also believed to reflect the magnetic attraction between both partners. The maximum value of this category is 2 points.
The 3rd category is the Tara Koota, that compares the health and well-being of the couple together. Basically, this helps to understand whether marriage between the couple would be beneficial to their health and well-being or be detrimental. It can also indicate good fortune and longevity of the individuals. This is considered a dichotomous category, i.e it can be either auspicious or inauspicious. The maximum value is 3 points.
Yoni Koota represents the sexual and biological compatibility of the couple. Each individual’s sexual tendencies are described in terms of a certain animal. There are the 14 different types of animals, some which have either a natural affinity, are neutral, or maybe enemies to each other. The maximum a couple can score is 4 points.
Grahamaitri Koota reflects the fundamental differences in daily behaviour, attitude and norm by which partners would relate to each other. It is said to indicate psychological compatibility.
The maximum a couple can score is 5 points.
Gana Koota which indicates the bride and groom’s approach to life.
There are three types of outlook on life: one who has a more spiritual than materialistic approach to life, one who is evenly balanced, and lastly, someone who may be more down to earth while also being a little more materialistic than spiritual (though, not always). The highest score is when both partners belong to the same type as this signifies an identical outlook on life.
The maximum is 6 points.
Bhakoot Koota represents fortune and how the marriage between the partners could influence their prosperity. The maximum value is 7 points.
The final category is the Nadi Koota, which analyses the life force compatibility, and the health of and chances of progeny between the partners. The physiological and heredity factors of the couple are compared. The astrologer matching your Kundli compares the mind and body doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) of each partner, to assess how their psycho-physiological energies resonate with each other.
This is also said to indicate the spiritual compatibility of the bride and groom. This category also measures the genetic compatibility between the couple to produce healthy children after marriage. The maximum value of this category is 8 points.
Earlier, it was considered that those couples who do not match well should not wed, but nowadays, astrologers and pandits have found certain remedies and ways to improve the compatibility between the partners.