Karma is the reflection of a person. It is like a mirror which reflects what we truly are. Our deeds, actions and words define the type of person we are and the type of karma we are inviting for ourselves. Inspite of knowing all this, many among us end up making their own pot of misery. So, what is it that creates good karma? When we say we never do anything wrong, does that mean we have some piled up good karma waiting for us? No. The motive should not restrict to being good. In order to bring good karma to yourself, you need to be good not just in your life but also in others lives. This factor does not strike a lot of us. In our previous article we discussed some simple ways to create good karma. Let's find out some more interesting factors with which you can bring good karma around yourself.
Practice What You Preach
Easier said than done; practicing what you preach isn't a common thing nowadays. We often sit in groups and discuss what a person should do and how someone should react to situations. Instead of sitting back and discussing others, try to incorporate the same points in you first. This will not only fill up your bag of good deeds but also guide others to a positive path. Bringing your positive thoughts in to actions will bring good Karma for you.
Forgive and Let Go
In our everyday life we come across a lot of people and things. We tend to point out other peoples mistakes and question their intentions. While doing this, we forget that we can also be on their place. So one day when you're on the faulty end of the situation, you'll all of a sudden understand the reasons for not getting a job done rightly. How convenient, isn't it? The next time you feel that a person has done something wrong, firstly realize that everyone makes mistakes and secondly, always remember that you can too; and then only react to a situation.
Every day as we meet and communicate with different kinds of people, we tend to exchange some vibes. Now these can be good or bad, you’ll never know before time! So, interacting with a person with a negative mind set will, without you or them knowing, transfer some of it on you. Similarly, when you meet a person who has a positive approach towards life, you'll feel that strength and positivity within yourself. When negativity makes place in your mind, bad thoughts and feeling become stronger. Now, it isn’t always possible to quit talking to people just because you think they pass on negative vibes, infact most of the time, you may not even know. All you need to do is meditate. Let all the negative energies out and open up to the positivity of the world. A positive mind creates a beautiful world around you.
Give Before you Expect.
We've all learnt that sharing is a good deed and one must always be open to it. Our parents taught us that at a very young age. Most of us believe in sharing too, but the concept is a little different here. The act of sharing has turned more into a give and take trade. Let's revise the concept. Cut out the take part and focus on giving. This attitude will help you create inner peace and growth. Bring good karma by raising a helping hand without calculating what you'll get in return, because what you’ll receive through this act is more valuable than anything else: Good Karma and peace of mind.
Be the Shoulder to Cry on
Always be there for any person who is in need. Being there for someone does not always mean helping out someone in trouble or lending money to a friend. Being there to uplift someone going through emotional trauma is what we’re talking about here. Be the ear that hears the unsaid words. Many people are inexpressive around us, they are in need of help, they want to share their feelings or some situations that they're going through. Be there for those people. Listen to them and give them the feeling that they aren't alone. Give them strength and take home Good Karma!