Understanding the needs as well as the capabilities of employees helps in bringing out the best in them. An astrology based guide to their basic nature will definitely be of added advantage in dealing with them. Here's a quick look at how natives of the 12 zodiac signs fare as employees.
Aries: An Aries employee is very lively and independent by nature. They come up with new ideas and are born with leadership qualities. They can prove to be an asset for their coworkers and company.
Drawbacks: Restricting the routine of an Aries employee to a nine-to-five schedule might be a challenging task for his bosses.
Taurus: Taureans look for stability in their job. For them, security of a good future comes above all. Once assured of that, a Taurean employee can handle the toughest of projects with complete responsibility and hard work. A Taurean will be very loyal to his work place.
Drawbacks: One main drawback of this zodiac sign is that they may be unresponsive and stubborn to accept changes.
Gemini: Brilliant mind, incredible energy and sense of independence, make a Gemini employee, a keeper for sure. With the innate quality of excellent verbal skills, a Gemini employee can for sure impress clients to give in a few extra deals.
Drawbacks: Their over enthusiasm may lead to out of proportion results at times.
Cancer: A Cancerian employee's main concern remains the security of job and his future. You will see a Cancerian working up to the best of his abilities, provided he has a friendly and supportive team.
Drawbacks: Very emotional and highly attached to family and home. These two innate features of a Cancerian can be counted as major drawbacks in his professional life.
Leo: A Leo employee has a limitless craving for attention. For this, he may be seen pushing his limits way and beyond. They are born leaders and have a sense of responsibility in them which helps them to deliver the best of their abilities.
Drawbacks: Their wish to be in the limelight may drive them off track at times.
Virgo: Virgos are hardcore perfectionists. Once allotted a project, your Virgo employee will only submit it after it has been completed with the highest possible level of quality.
Drawbacks: His perfectionist eye may keep, even his boss on his toes, because if caught, he will not let the slightest of mistake pass through without pinpointing it.
Libra: Libran employees prove to be great at work. Being balanced by nature and carrying an equable temperament, a Libran manages to handle work well. With his diplomacy skills he manages to keep good with coworkers as well.
Drawbacks: A Libran employee becomes very vulnerable to stress and has a hard time delivering work under stressful conditions which may arise at work.
Scorpio: This zodiac sign is one of the most determined and confident signs amongst all. The need of power and authority inspires a scorpion employee to push his limits.
Drawbacks: Their secretive nature may restrict their social circle at the workplace.
Sagittarius: Your Sagittarian employee is a complete optimist. You will find him smiling even in the most stressful of situations. His frank nature and energetic approach helps him deliver the best in whatever he does.
Drawbacks: Being outspoken, they may sometimes utter the wrong words at the wrong time.
Capricorn: Determined and ambitious, a Capricorn employee will prove to be an asset. They are very responsible and organized, which helps them deliver the best within their capacity.
Drawbacks: Being hardcore professionals, you might think twice before getting into any loose talk with them.
Aquarius: Aquarians are highly innovative and will often come up with new ideas to introduce improvements and efficiency.
Drawbacks: Never push an Aquarian off his limits; his rebellious streak can prove disastrous.
Pisces: Pisceans have an imaginative mind which helps them in introducing new ideas. Being highly adaptive, a Piscean employee proves to be positive in matters of adjusting to change within the workplace. Their creativity is an asset.
Drawbacks: Pisceans are individualists. This may make it hard for them to cope up with teamwork.