Never let relationship troubles get in the way of a happy married life and domestic bliss. Dispel negative energy and experience life like never before with your life partner. The ancient principles of Feng Shui are known for healing and bringing about marked changes in the lives of believers.
The southwest direction: Try to focus towards the southwest direction. This particular location is blessed with future wealth and family luck. Therefore it’s a really great place for good communication, warmth between family members and luck! The southwest corner of any home, or room, represents romance, love and marriage. If this corner has good Feng Shui, the members of that house would be bestowed with good marriage luck.
Colours: Use pink and peach colours copiously in the bedroom and where you bond with your family members, for optimal romance in your life. Remove everything from your bedroom that doesn’t scream love and romance to you. They may be the impediments in the way of marital bliss.
Sleeping directions: If you sleep with your spouse or partner, both your Yan Nian can still be used to strengthen love bonds, as well as harmony and devotion! The best arrangement to suit both your needs is to sleep in a bedroom located in the male’s Yan Nian corner and sleeping with both your heads pointing towards the females Yan Nian direction.
Enhance love: Make use of Flying Stars, or Xuan Kong Feng Shui to further up the love factor. This auspicious star is of the element Wood, thus you can make use of the water element to strengthen its prospects. Place a fish tank, aquarium or desktop fountain in the location where it rises, for the best prospects! Avoid TV or mirror by your bedside.
Energizing the bedroom: Your bed should under no circumstances be located underneath an overhead beam! This is very inauspicious, since you’re directing Shar Qi, or poison arrow directly on yourself. Remove the beam, relocate or hang a bamboo flute or wind chime under the beam to weaken negativities.
For the kitchen: Make sure that you have some pieces of porcelain crockery in your kitchen to control energies, as these absorb heat. Keep your kitchen tidy especially your stove. In Feng Shui, the kitchen stove represents health for you and other dwellers of the home. A dirty stove may wreak mayhem to your well-being, and to others in the home as well. So, keep the countertops and stove rings clean and shiny at all times.
Entrances: Home entrances should always be welcoming. They should be cheerful and fresh-smelling to ensure the best Qi to enter your home. Keep your shoes in cupboards and umbrellas in its own place.
New couples: This one is for the newly wedded couples. Those who have only recently married should make use of the Double Happiness symbol, as this signified marital luck and wedding bliss!
Family portraits: Hanging portraits of the whole family, encourages family harmony. This should be hung in the center of the home where possible. Looking at the family portrait creates positive energy and binds the family together.
Feng Shui for Office | Feng Shui Living Room | Feng Shui for Wealth | 10 Ways to Feng Shui your Kitchen | Feng Shui for a Happy Marriage | Flowers to Boost Productivity at Work | Energize Your Home with Feng Shui
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