Everyone is looking for ways to make a quick buck, but are we on track? For thousands of years the Chinese have been using astrological predictions to help ease their woes. Feng Shui holds some secrets which would help you make some money!
By reducing your negative energy you are allowing more positive energy into your life. This is a pretty simple concept to grasp, yes? Now consider where most of the negative energy comes from in your life. For many people this is at work. When you are not happy at work your performance goes down and you could be getting less than you deserve money wise. Now this is easy to see if you are paid hourly. If you are not happy with your work then you will try and cut your working hours, you would also be skipping those opportunities to do extra shifts or overtime; both of which can increase the size of your check. This can also affect your annual appraisal and promotions, because you are communicating your negative vibes to your boss.
The art of Feng Shui can be used to achieve the goals that one wants in their life. By making minor changes anyone can improve their aura and reduce the amount of negative energy in their lives. This reduction of negative energy directly impacts your success! This is not only true with traditional woes such as love and peace, but also with money.
Follow these Feng Shui suggestions to improve your financial luck:
To increase your wealth, place a piece of furniture such as the Yang Horse of success or the Wealth Ingot facing the door of your house. You should also draw more strength or Yang energy to this area by augmenting your desk or table with a lamp, a plant or your favorite Feng Shui enhancer for wealth.
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The best wealth locations are the Southwest and East. Therefore, position your work station or desk on either sides of this particular location. However, the former, that is the southwest, is the stronger of the two. If this is not possible for you to place your workstations this way, then the next best thing you can do to reap the rewards of these two locations is to position your desk facing either of the two locations.
Invest in an aquarium to boost your wealth factor! Place your aquarium in the west, to strengthen your intelligence and career endeavors. Water is very conducive to usher in wealth, provided that it is placed in the proper location. Purchase a few fish to get the water moving, and make sure you clean your aquarium when it gets dirty. It's important for the water in your aquarium to stay fresh at all times.
Any water body aligned with the northeast sector of a house will usher in some financial luck. The water body must be clean and should ideally keep circulating. Stagnant and dirty water is worse than having no water at all around the house. It would be best if a multi-tiered fountain is installed to keep the water flowing towards the house, rather than away from it.
Orange is considered as an auspicious fruit in Feng Shui. It’s considered to be a symbol of prosperity, luck and good will. The word orange in the Canton dialect of China, is phonetically similar to gold. So hang pictures, artworks or photographs of this fruit in your kitchen or decorate countertops with charming bowls of oranges to signify (and enjoy) wealth and prosperity! For the best enhancement to your workplace choose crystals in the form of a globe or sphere.
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