Feng Shui Tips for Workplace Harmony on this Labor Day

Fri, May 01, 2015
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Fri, May 01, 2015
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Feng Shui Tips for Workplace Harmony on this Labor Day

Provide lodging in the East and canteen in the North-West for your laborers and give them the gift of ‘good health’ this Labor day  

The comfortable homes where we stay and the ultra luxurious offices where we work, are all built crick by brick by the laborers who sweat day-in and day-out making multi-storied buildings for people when their own kids play with dust, sand and cement! Are these people made of mud, rock or sand? Do they not feel like sending their kids to schools, to give them proper meals to provide them with good toys? But they have no other option but to work on the fields and factories. So we can well imagine what must be going on the minds of these people. On top of it all, if we do not provide even the basic amenities to this work force, what are the vibrations and feelings these people will emit for us?

Feng Shui strongly believes that the entire world is composed of vibrations and it is the good and bad vibrations which come back to us in different forms. This Labours’ Day, Dr. Rupa Batra - renowned Vaastu and Feng Shui expert shares with everyone the ways and means how we can provide ensure the health and safety of the labors who work tremendously hard for us. 

  1. The shed or labour quarter should be in the East. East as we know is the direction of sun. and this area is positively charged most of the time. This area is normally free of any germs and is quite healthy to have a shed or rest area there.
  2. Secondly, the area where the laborers eat is very crucial as they get energy from it. The mess or canteen should ideally be in the north-west direction.
  3. Green leafy plants should be placed near the canteen as they provide lots of oxygen and keep the area cleaner. Plants like cactus, rubber plants etc which emit white milky substance should be avoided as they do not emit very good vibrations.
  4. Many a times, labors paste posters and pictures of gods and goddesses everywhere in the warehouse or on the fields. Obviously these areas have a lot of dust and layers and layers of dust gather on the pictures of these deities which is not at all a good sign of vaastu. Instead a small pray area should be made in the east so that everyone can offer prayers there collectively.
  5. Most importantly, helmets etc which the labors wear for their safety should be placed in the west. This will ensure the safety of laborers. Chances of accidents can reduce to quite an extent. 
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Feng Shui
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Feng Shui
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