It is important to plan out your finances so that you can fulfil yours and your family’s needs at the right time. The first step towards your dreams, while taking care of your everyday responsibilities is financial planning. You can reduce your stress that may arise during an emergency, if you are financially sound. Also, building a nest egg is a necessity for retirement.
So, how will the planets support your cause for investment and savings in 2019? How secure can the various zodiac signs make themselves financially in 2019? According to Vedic astrology, if the planet Jupiter is well placed in a native’s chart, it will bestow wealth on him. This planet will transit in Sagittarius on 30th of March, 2019 and will retrograde on 11th of April,2019. On 22nd April Jupiter will transit into Scorpio and remain there till 5th November 2019. Saturn, too, blesses the natives with wealth and fame, if it is played in a beneficial sign and house. Saturn becomes retrograde on April 30, 2019 and then progressive on September 18, 2019. When Rahu, the shadowy planet, is present in the House of Wealth in the native’s horoscope, it could mean exceptional gains or losses. Rahu will transit into Gemini on March 7, 2019.
The planetary positioning and transits will have the following effect on the financial aspect of the different zodiac signs-
Financial stability for the Aries will be good for 2019. Plan out your finance for the year and stick to a budget. Don’t take any wild risks with your hard-earned money. You like your financial independence and for this you need to go a little easy on the lavish lifestyle this year. When Jupiter and Saturn retrogrades in April, you will require to put in some more effort at the work front. You will enjoy a good bank balance as the year will come to a close.
For a personalised financial analysis for 2019 based on your birth chart, consult our expert astrologers online.
Mercury stationed in your second house in the beginning of the year, will help you clear a loan that you had taken. This will ensure that you move into a comfortable zone in 2019 regarding finances. Inspite of this, you need to cut down on unnecessary expenses, as the retrogression of Jupiter and Saturn in April could throw some unexpected expenses your way. 2019 is lucky for Taurus businessmen and will prove lucky for professionals. But do refrain from lending money to people this year.
For a personalised financial analysis for 2019 based on your birth chart, consult our expert astrologers online.
The stars are in your favour this year Gemini and specially for the entrepreneurs and business people. Make smart moves to invest your money wisely and you will be laughing your way to the bank as the year comes to a close. Expenditures that will pay off in the long run, like education of children etc, will be part and parcel of 2019. You may be the proud owner of some new property during the transit of Rahu and Saturn, inspite of unanticipated delays.
For a personalised financial analysis for 2019 based on your birth chart, consult our expert astrologers online.
Be a little cautious with your finances and investments this year. Although the Sun in the sixth house will be supportive of your earnings, brace yourself for a huge unavoidable expense. If you must take a loan, do read the fine print before agreeing to the terms. Be prepared for a financial loss that you may incur in September by curbing unnecessary expenses. Invest wisely in stocks and shares. As 2019 will come to an end, it will leave you happily surprised by a financial gain.
For a personalised financial analysis for 2019 based on your birth chart, consult our expert astrologers online.
2019 will finally bring you some financial stability as compared to the previous years. While your earning potential will be good this year, there will also be a rise in your expenses. Jupiter retrograde in April could bring some financial loss and there may be delays in payments during June/July. Take the advice of an elderly relative/friend while investing your money. You may help out a friend in need of money in the later half of 2019. The year will end well financially.
For a personalised financial analysis for 2019 based on your birth chart, consult our expert astrologers online.
2019 will be a financially strong year for Virgos, specially for those in the import-export business, provided you control your urge to spend frivolously on unnecessary purchases. Avoid both borrowing and lending money during April/May and keep sufficient funds in your cache for unexpected expenditures. Do research well for any investment you may want to make, as you may get manipulated. This is a good year for those wanting to settle abroad.
For a personalised financial analysis for 2019 based on your birth chart, consult our expert astrologers online.
You will do well financially in 2019, albeit slowly and steadily but you need to keep a check on your health as there could be unnecessary expenses in that department. Expect an incentive at work in April/May. A vacation that you may plan in mid year, may draw on your resources a little, but that shouldn’t stop you from taking the break. You will be able to return your loans comfortably. As the year comes to an end, do help a friend who is facing a money crunch. The universe will bless you for the same.
For a personalised financial analysis for 2019 based on your birth chart, consult our expert astrologers online.
Your financial position will improve in 2019 and you owe it to Jupiter’s placement in the first house, at the beginning of the year. You will get some financial help from your parents in April/May which will help you clear your old dues. June/July may upset your budget and you may be tempted by lucrative offers of making quick money. Do be cautious before taking the plunge. Be sensible with your finances and you can save enough to launch a new project. 2019 is great for accountants, industrialists, travel companies and those in media and communication industry.
For a personalised financial analysis for 2019 based on your birth chart, consult our expert astrologers online.
Before investing more money in a financial venture, consult a financial expert. Those looking to expand their business will get good returns. Brace yourself for some setback in midyear and don't panic. Instead, curb your frivolous expenditures. You need to avoid taking any loans in September and also lending money to anyone. To attract a promising investor, be thorough in your planning, and be committed and focussed. Put off your major investment decisions to the last quarter as by then you will have a better idea of your overall finances for the year.
For a personalised financial analysis for 2019 based on your birth chart, consult our expert astrologers online.
The workaholic Goat needs to be a little careful with his spending as 2019 rolls in. You splurged in 2018 and now is the time to curb the unnecessary expenses. The hard work you put in the beginning of the year will pay off as 2019 will come to a close. Be calm and patient in April when there are unavoidable expenses. The planets will work in your favour by midyear and you will receive unexpected funds. In the later part of the year you may also have to face certain expenditures, but these will pay you back in the long run.
For a personalised financial analysis for 2019 based on your birth chart, consult our expert astrologers online.
2019 will start well for you as you may be blessed with finance from a source you had almost given up on. Your generous nature may prompt you to lend money to a friend in need but remember to keep enough for your own rainy days. Brace yourself for some minor setback when Jupiter retrogrades in April. Otherwise, April/May are wonderful months for monetary gains. Avoid taking any bank loans this year or lending any money specially in August/September. The year will end with you making that large purchase which you always wanted.
For a personalised financial analysis for 2019 based on your birth chart, consult our expert astrologers online.
Do not leave things to destiny this year, Pisces. Instead take sensible decisions about expanding your business with the help of the latest technology available. Learning some new skill this year will help increase finance. You need to specially work hard during the April/May period and you will reap the profits in June-July. September/October will be pay-day from past investments.The year will end on a good financial note for you, provided you are careful with your expenditure.
For a personalised financial analysis for 2019 based on your birth chart, consult our expert astrologers online.
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